bombs go boom

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That night all that could come as any form of a dream was the replay of the nights events as I watched in third person unable to help as the fatal bullet was fired.waking up in a panic every time it happened I would try to fall asleep again, but after the tenth or eleventh time I gave up on sleeping and decided to visit the tarmac to see if any thing at all was going on. it was all but empty with a single Galaxy cargo plane sitting on the runway being unloaded. I could barely make out the out lines of guns underneath the tarps being unloaded.

Now snooping isnt at all my specialty, but i can still do it very well. so sneaking over to the hanger where they were putting them i went inside and lifted one of the tarps to read the engraving plate on the side and it read 'Q-2... dragon killer. special sable rounds meant to pierce scales and do internal damage' i read as well on the amo box next to it. Opening the box I found 50caliber rounds with steel tipped bullets. Taking one of them I slid it into my gums and exited the area without being noticed.

I decided that I needed to pay our general a little visit a little man to Dragon talk as it were. Approaching his quarters I hesitated slightly before knocking several times.I heard a couple grunts some stumbling and finally the light turning on before he opened the door in his white t-shirt and cargo pants." What the hell do you think you are doing out at this time of night!! Get back to your barracks or else-"he screamed. 

" or else what you'll shoot me with one of these!" I hollered back taking the bullet from my cheek, and spitting on the ground In front of him. 

"Where on earth did you get that?" He was genuinely intrigued by the object obviously he didn't know about the shipment the galaxy had dropped off." Quick get inside!" He said in a harsh whisper as I entered he looked around wearily before closing and locking the door." There have been rumors that north Korea has made Dragons of their own. Now what you are probably seeing here is the bullet meant for them not you. However I would be extra careful from now on when you are flying. These could easily wound if not kill you with three of these. Now back to your barracks with you we still have training and a briefing tomorrow." He said very almost father like. Nodding I went to the door and he turned out the lights " and Drew be careful on your way back your one my best troops." He said smiling  

"Thank you sir I appreciate it a lot." Returning a small bow before exiting and sneaking back into our bunker and falling into a dreamless and deep sleep.


A shrill trumpet blast signaled our wake up Call and none of us were up to even getting out of bed. However we did with minor persuasion that stated there was bacon and deer meat at the cafeteria waiting for us. Which almost resulted in two officers flat as paper on the ground being trampled by teenage dragons running for their bacon and deer meat. Making it there in record time we got one tray of each satisfying our cravings for the super greasy food. It was the best hickory smoked bacon and deer meat I had ever tasted.

A half hour later we were running around the compound at top speed training for if our wings were broken or we just couldn't find an opening in the canopy."Faster come on this car can still keep up with you!" Screamed the drill sargent through a mega phone in a pace vehicle next to us. Glancing at the dash board I saw the car was going 70mph just to keep up with us and was starting to over heat. Blowing a super heated breath of air at it the radiator finally blew bringing the car to a halt." Alright you all get a 10 minute break till we can get a replacement car out here." He commanded before getting on the radio and calling in for a tow and a replacement. Five minutes later the two vehicles requested appeared much to our disappointment, and we continued the rest of the run with no issues.

When we returned to our bunker after lunch to relax before flight training. Lying in my bunk I zoned out and stared off into space thinking of almost nothing at all. Then the image of the bullet came to mind and filled me with anger and fear of what would happen if we were misidentified. A simple nudge on my left shoulder brought me back to reality " hey drew time to go to practice." Said John as he let go and headed for the exit I lazily followed.

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