Circuitry problems

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The others made the cave reverberate with the sounds of their shells being fired as well. The kick from the rifle jerked me away from my scope momentarily not allowing me to watch and see if I had hit my target. Glancing down the scope again I saw three mangled bodies of the men lying on the dirt. The one was missing everything from the neck up, another had his entire left leg blown apart, and the third had a gaping hole in his chest.

The guards around the cars froze in fear and confusion, still unsure of what had happened. I swiftly moved the bolt of the rifle and reloaded. I trained my eyes on a much larger target next, the vehicles... There could be no survivors. Sadly for the men who were down there they had brought a gas truck with them. "Time for the fire show." I muttered under my breath with a sly grin crawled onto my face. I pulled the trigger again this time  two seconds later a hundred foot fireball roared into the atmosphere.

"Gee, A little over kill there don't ya think? Dr- I mean Obsidian..." Carter muttered under his breath.

"Well, it did get the job done I suppose." Sam backed me with an amused smile.

"Okay now we need to get down there and collect the recorders. Also kill any remaining survivors... Be careful there still could be traps set up, so be vigilant." I commented before opening my canopies and gliding down to the area stealthily.

Upon landing I was immediately met with the grotesque smell of burning flesh of the men scattered around the area. It was strange that the scent hadn't bothered my senses before. When Carter and Sam landed beside me their faces contorted, and Carter turned his head off to the side before vomiting several times." I thoroughly under stand buddy." I stated swallowing hard. "Here take a drink. It'll help a little bit with the nausea." I continued tossing him my canteen of water.

I let them into the house first before entering myself to get away from the smell."I change my mind... That was a really bad idea to scorch them like that... Next time we just stick to claws... Hopefully." I said watching my step as I went about collecting ths recorders from the various rooms of the house along with Sam and Carter.

When we had finished there was a moment of hesitation from all of us before opening the front door. For the most part the smoke had cleared taking with it the stench which had crippled our sences earlier. "I want to take a look at the tanker they had with them... Can you guys make sure they are all dead please?" I asked as I trotted over to the carcass of the truck.

There wasn't much left of the exterior with most of it blasted away from it. However there was a panel from it that I did recognize. It was the chemical spill cleanup for gasoline and ammonia. "Shit, they had been counting on us hitting the truck... They knew we were coming," I mumbled to myself, "Guys! It was a trap to the sky! We need to put as much distance from here as possible!" I yelled as I took a running take off to join them as we headed west to throw them off the trail just in case we were being followed as was standard protocol.

"Obsidian! Two helos just entered the gorge!" Sam called to me.

"Roger, behind the mountain here we will disappear." I yelled back as raced towards the mountain's summit. Glancing back over my shoulder the helicopters were coming close to the wreckage of the vehicles, but we were practically hidden from by the mountain by that point. Circling down to the tree line we ducked inside the forest fifty feet away from the tree line to obscure our heat signatures.

A few minutes later the distinct sound of an explosion echoed for several seconds. The sound of helicopter blades followed as we hunkered lower to the ground the wind would be making it hell for the pilots to keep them steady enough to get a good fix on us. Only one crested the mountain visibly swaying to the strong gusts just one of its blades snapped sending it dowards rolling down the mountainside blowing up halfway down. As a high pitched ring pierced our ears.

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