Homeland Secrecy

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a week past, and no one seemed to care why Madison, Jacoline, and I were missing for those few days. even the higher ups didnt care... It was like oh you back and bloodied up mysteriously, but oh well get back to training all is well in the world. Even if there is a secret dragon killing squad out there who hate to get their hands dirty, and most likely have people on the inside working for them.

I started feeling paranoid watching my back constantly, being very reserved to any of the humans on base, and getting even less sleep than usual because I would be awake to check and see if an assassin would try something on me. After several days of that people started noticing the difference in my personality. The murders had stopped after I transported Jack and his family several hundred miles away.

My squad finally decided it was enough after I almost literally bit a guys head off for getting to close without my knowledge. "Okay Drew that just crossed the line you are coming with us and are going to fix this right now!" John announced as James wrestled me to the ground with the help of the rest of the squad, before they did their best to bind me up with chains and drag away to a detention center room.

Heavy titanium clamps locked over my wings, body, neck and tail to prevent most all movement. "Now... why don't you tell us why you have been such a hermit as of late, well more than usual that is." John asked as presider over my well being I figured.

"You wouldn't get it. You don't have a huge sign on your back saying kill me I'm a valuable asset. I am just trying to stay alive after the attempt on Sam to take him out... I want to hunt down these bastards and burn every last one of them to a nice crispy corps." I replied coldly to him not giving a crap on what he thought and shutting down to end the conversation.

"No you are the one who doesn't understand Drew...Ugh you are still shut down you bastard look at me! WE ALL HAVE THOSE SIGNS ON US! We are YOUR squad so get off your fat high horse and realise that you are just barely a step above where we are. If anyone was going to kill you it would be me right now... eight years Drew that I would have followed you this next week into hell and back, but if you are gonna be like this now you can forget that I ever existed... make your choice." He finished whipping his tail across my face, and expecting my pride to win and for him to go ahead and leave forever, but I couldn't do that no he was my best friend and had saved my neck on more than one occasion back in school.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry please don't go... I can't lose another person. I just panicked when all the stuff went down, and you know me and my defense mechanisms. Please let me out of these I'll be the comrade you guys need and the commander I'm supposed to be."I pleaded like a dog as my voice caught several times in my throat, and my eyes started to water. The braces suddenly opened and I stood to face my squad head on.

"Perfect now that we have that out of the way... that guy you almost killed was the assignment sorter, and was about to give us a new mission off base. So I will go get that and you can make buddy buddies again with Johnny over there in the corner. hahaha!" Carter yelled rushing out of the room to hunt down that poor dude I probably just gave some form of PTSD.

I ignored Carter's suggestion and we all shared an awkward silence for about thirty seconds before James announced "Dragon pile!", however by the time I realized what he had said he was falling on top of me and all 1300 lbs of him hit me at one time buckling my legs landing on the ground with a whimper of air being knocked out of me. The rest of the squad in the room joined in and soon I had almost three tons of dragons on top of me.

"Okay.... I am feeling the love... which is sharp pain... please get off now..." I weased having almost no air left. one by one they eased off until James got off to which I returned the favor to him by flipping him over my shoulders and pile driving him when he hit the ground. "That's for the dragon pile, jerk... come on off the floor lazy butt." I said offering a paw to help him up which he gratefully accepted pulling him to his paws.

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