22. A Confidant

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Mrs. Monhollen came downstairs and hugged her son in the foyer when she heard he'd come to visit. "Where have you been?" she asked. "I haven't seen you in at least four days."

"I've been busy, Mother," Baldwin said removing his hat. "Is Espen here?"

Mrs. Monhollen looked her son over. "You look very displeased," she said. "Has Espen done something?"

Baldwin gave a sarcastic laugh. "You know your sons."

"Yes I do," Mrs. Monhollen said. "And I know that something has been plaguing you."

"Ma," Baldwin sighed. "It is as you have said; I'm a little upset with Espen."

"No," Mrs. Monhollen said. "This has been going on for years. Don't blame yourself for Johann."

Baldwin looked into his mother's eyes and had to turn away. "I'm just a little overwhelmed right now," he said. "And I really need to speak with Espen."

Mrs. Monhollen nodded. "He's upstairs."

Baldwin kissed her and made his way upstairs with a warning from her to go easy on his brother.

Espen's room door was closed but Baldwin went in anyway. Not finding him in the bedroom or study he crossed back into the washroom.

"EEEEKK! There's a ma-yun in mines chambers!" Espen held his wash rag over his chest and laughed.

"I'm glad you make everything a laughing situation," Baldwin said as he entered the room.

Espen shrugged and fished around for his soap. "Well one of us has to smile. Havelock never does, you rarely do, Asmund and Minas are always busy..."

"I've been out to the farm," Baldwin said.

"So," Espen said still fishing for the soap.

Baldwin decided not to drag things out. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a cloth and unfolded it. "May Day was attacked in the cottage yesterday," he said getting his brother's attention. "She wasn't physically harmed but Miss Day's horse was." He held up the knife. "This was found sunk to the hilt in its wither."

Espen looked at the knife then felt around for the soap again. "So?"

"Isn't this yours?"

"Yes its mine," Espen said. "But I didn't stab a horse. I haven't been anywhere near Heliotrope Row."

Baldwin squatted down by the tub. "Then how did your knife end up in her horse, Espen?" he asked.

"I don't know," Espen said. "I didn't even have it last."

Baldwin raised his brows. "Who did?"

Espen shook his head. "I was in the garden the other day teaching Dick how to graft. The idiot snatched the knife from me and cut my hand; you can ask Minas, he treated me. That was the last time I saw the knife."

Baldwin looked down at the blade, not liking where the evidence was pointing.

"Look, Baldwin, I may not like her being a teacher but I don't hate the woman and I certainly would not kill a horse. Dick on the other hand...you should have heard him the other day. One minute he was glaring at her and the next he was considering courting her."


"It confused me too," Espen said.

Baldwin shook his head. "He must have been joking," he said.

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