42. Collect Lake Yields

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On the far side of the lake Pleasant had heard the gunshot. As she stood at the edge of the woods next to Polaris she saw the two figures emerge on the opposite bank. "Baldwin..." The roar of the bear shook her to the core as it emerged behind them.

Baldwin fell flat at the lakeshore. Unable to get back to his feet he crawled, leaving a bloody trail behind him. His hands worked through the snow until he eventually felt the hard ice beneath him. Rolling over he watched the bear set two paws on the ice only for one to break through. The animal paused looking him dead in the eyes, with almost mistaken recognition, then turned its head at the sound of the other man retreating through the snow back into the forest. Baldwin watched as the black beast backed away from the ice and gave chase to Cedric instead.

With all his might he rolled over on his knees and tried to stand only to hear a loud crack beneath him. The spilt shot from his hands and spread out all around him.

"Baldwin!" Pleasant shouted as she ran towards the lake.

Baldwin fell into a sitting position as the ice broke around him. He could see Pleasant nearing and held his hand up for her to stop before he fell through

As soon as one of her boots hit the ice Pleasant fell down hard. She kept her eyes on the hole in the ice as she struggled to stand. A whinny made her look over her shoulder as Polaris came charging to her rescue.

The world around them seemed to have fallen completely silent as she climbed into the saddle and the horse charged forward without her direction. The ice split and shattered just behind them and she tightened her grip around his neck as they neared the hole then they were engulfed in cold darkness.

The cold water hit Pleasant like a train. She immediately wanted to breathe out but held her breath as her skirt and petticoats floated around her like a Spanish dancer. She could feel the cold shaking every bone in her body but she held tight to Polaris as the horse paddled downward through the water in the sparkling sunlight.

In the dancing rays she found Baldwin drifting slowly to the bottom of the lake. He didn't even appear to be trying as he listlessly drifted toward death. Kicking her legs she swarm toward him and took hold of his body as the surface grew higher above them. Kicking with all her might she sought to fight against the pull and hold Baldwin at the same time but she could feel them sinking deeper still and she could no longer hold her breath.

A nudge came from behind her and turning around she took hold of Polaris bridle as the horse paddled to the surface. As the light descended on them, she was forced to breathe out just seconds before breaking through. Though the cold air stung like daggers she welcomed it into her lungs. She held on to Baldwin with one hand and Polaris with the other as the horse swam toward the shore only letting go when they reached land. Laying Baldwin down, she watched him spew water and blood then take in big gasp of air.

"Pleasant," he shivered.

Pleasant nodded her head before collapsing next to him in the snow. Frost had formed in their hair and their whole bodies where numb with cold.

Turning his head Baldwin looked into her eyes as her life escaped from her in struggling white plumes. Rolling onto his side he lifted her head so that it rested on his arm and placed kisses across her forehead. He watched her lips draw into a smile as she reached out her hand and took his.

"Forgive me," Baldwin whispered as he watched her eyes slowly closing. "Forgive me." Her eyes shut slowly and Baldwin felt a pain stronger than any he had ever felt before slash his heart. Lowering his head he rolled over and looked at the sky. The sun, trapped behind the clouds suddenly seemed reasonably attainable. He could feel the slow turn of the earth and the clock suddenly seemed to have no bearing on him. Slowly he felt himself sinking and he drew one haggard breath before his eyes shut.

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