Chapter 10: Lame Date, Lame Girl

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Picture at the side is Casey's new look

~Chapter 10: Lame Date, Lame Girl~

*Nathan's P.O.V*

After I left Victoria's place, I honestly did feel better. I know this sounds strange coming from me, but I hate having enemies and now that I made up with Victoria I feel like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

I'm still trying to figure out the deal with the gun. Not only that, but the breakdown Victoria had (A/N Chapter 2).  I didn't have much time to think about it before my phone rings, and much to my displeasure, Casey is calling.

"Hello?" I ask, trying to sound as happy as possible.

"Um, hey Nathy! Where are you? Did you forget about our date?" Casey squeals. I told her so many fucking times not to call me Nathy

"Oh, no I didn't forget about it."


"I'm just fashionably late."


"Be there soon, love you!"


So. Many. Fucking. Lies.

I sigh and hang up. The only reason I date that bimbo is so I can annoy Victoria. After tonight's date, I'll break up with her seeing as I don't have any use for her anymore. Besides, she's so fucking clingy.

I slide my hand through my hair as I park outside of Casey's house.

This is it.

I get my phone and call her.

"Hey baby!" she answers trying to sound cute. In reality, she sounds like a fucked up whale.

"Yeah, I'm outside..." 


Over-enthusiastic much?

I tap a beat on the steering wheel when I see Casey walk out of the front door wearing a white belt- I mean skirt and a yellow boob-tube. A very tight boob-tube that's way too small on her. Her boobs are gonna fall out of it any second, I swear. And to go with that, she's wearing these massive white sparkly pumps that she can barely walk in.

I would honestly mistaken her for a prostitute.

She even dyed her hair blond.

She leans through the window as she comes closer to kiss me. Fucking hell, she put on so much lip gloss that it rubbed off on, you guessed it, me. Her eyes are buried under eyeshadow and eyeliner whereas her fake lashes are gonna fall off. 

She should put on less bronzer next time, she look like she came out of the dirt.

"Hey babe, ready for our date?" I force a smile.

"You bet!" she giggles. 

What the fuck does this whore find funny?

She gets in the car and I drive off. Sometimes she would try to start a conversation but I'd just give her one word answers. I really don't want to talk to her. 


She begins to blab on about how great she is and how she picked on some nerd. She then begins to bitch about Victoria and her other ex-friends. I just tune her out by turning on the radio and putting up the volume.

Does she have anything better to do? Obviously not.

This is the problem with dating preppy, slutty cheerleaders. (A/N not all cheerleaders are whores!)

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