Chapeter 1

15 1 0

I clicked my feet together while they laid on the dashboard, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home". I opened my eyes, as I expected it only did work in the movies. I started thinking of my home before our country took a violent turn. North America had gotten into a war with South America over a silly thing that got our country destroyed. The war lasted for 3 long years, I was 18 now and I wanted to go back to the world I used to live in, a place full of people, there where only a handful of is left. I looked out the window waiting for my group to come back from inside the department store, someone had to stay and watch the car. I thought to myself how much we had loss over the years, many of our people had been killed or have been captured by the southters, that's what we called them. It didn't matter if you where innocent you where still a northerner, that's what they called us. I heard the doors unlock and I knew my little moment of peace was over. "Sorry we took so long" Percy said as he climbed  into the passenger seat. Percy had been an acquaintance of mine before this all went down. We where in school together, now we remained friends, allies. "Caroline what's wrong" percy asked. "Just thinking" I said. Percy always knew when something was wrong. I considered  him a good Friend. " we found some soup for dinner tonight" Jessica said as she climbed into the other seat. Jessica has been my number one best friend since I was 7. I don't think I could have gotten through the war without her, I had lost my dad to southters and I don't know how I would had gotten through if it wasn't for her and her goofy ways. "I know soup is one of your favorite things to cook we cooked it together all the time back then, tomato, chowder chick-"back then" I muttered. She knew I hated the world today and we both wanted to change it to the way it was. " yea she said back then, great memories tho!" I smiled at her. Well that was successful"our leader Carson said climbing into the drivers seat. Carson was the oldest out of all of us by   2 years. Percy, Jessica and I where all the same age. "Now let's get going back to base I'm sure everyone back at base is just as hungry as us" he smiled. "Well then, shall we" I said. Positivity is key my father always told me and my goal was to stay positive for him. The car engine started as we started to pull out of the lot when something had caught all of our eyes. "Stop the car" Percy yelled, there was a weeping 3 year old boy walking into our gaze. The car came to a surprising stop. We knew that these days in this world, you where to trust absolutely no one except for your allies, also children where a rare sight these days there where almost none left that had survived. Percy leaped out of the car and ran to the weeping chilled. " hey now, what's wrong little guy" Percy asked. " I can't find mommy, I can't find mommy" the chilled wailed. " well we can help you with that" Percy said to the child. Percy always has a soft spot for kids. He walked the kid to the car as he stopped and stared us, his little face looked into my view, "mommy" he said as he ran into me.

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