Chapter 4

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He stood there waiting for a response that never came instead he got my blank stair. "I'm not Clara" I said "so she's not here which means you can leave now". "But that's my son, I was there when you gave birth to him" the man started walking towards me, he put his hand on my face "Clara don't you remember, what did these people do to you". I pushed him away " listen pal I've never seen you before and I've never given birth and-" "how do you know" I chuckled "a girl would know if she gave birth, now she isn't hear and if this is your son why don't you take him and go look for this Clara girl". "Daddy I missed you" said James reaching out to his father, "I missed you too baby boy". James grimes from ear to ear thinking that his gamely was back together "I'm going to help you get your memory back Clara no matter what" "IM NOT CLARA" I yelled and I knocked him off his balance and he fell to the floor. "Guards take her with us were leaving" he yelled from the ground. James was now sitting in his dad as I checked my surroundings the guards started to close in and there was nothing I could do. I looked to my allies, Who were now screaming at the southters. "Stop" I yelled it was my time now, time to talk. I stepped out of the guards arms "listen to me these are my people that I have known since day one, we have been in this thing together since day one, I have worked with these people since day one, I have no clue how I would even know you if I have been with these people since day one, so whatever game you think we are playing go take it else were and I'll be taking James with me". After hearing those words he walked in close "I'm not going anywhere without my son, he's not even yours", "ohh so you finally figured it out, but like everyone says, you can't trust anyone so why would I trust you with keeping James safe". He paused and looked at me "my name is Axel, you're right not to trust anyone, I'm going back to my base for an explanation and when I get back we will see what the hell is going on, let's go men, we will be back in one week and you best be prepared for anything". I glared at all of them as the walked out "my dad I want him back, you better bring him back if you want us to cooperate or or" Jessica was now stumbling on her words "or expect a war you can't just take one of ours like that and get up and leave. She was crying again, Axel sighed "this is Jason he can stay with you guys until we make an exchange". Jason's expression on his face proved that he was clearly not ready for this. "Do what you want with him, we will do the same with your leader, we will do anything for answers about you northerners, I suggest you do the same" the left in a line out of our sight. I sighed in relief now all we had to do was figure out our situation by the end of next week. Jason looked at us with a wiled expression. "I'll take care of him" said Jonathan, "Linda we need to get going on restocking out weapons, Carson take this" he tossed a walkie talkie at him, "that's one of there walkie's can you hack into it to hear what they are saying over it"? "Yea this is kindergarten work, leave it to me" Carson said with a happy look, this was clearly something he could handle with ease. "Caroline and Percy I want you o help me get was weed out of this guy, we're gonna need was nerves and a lot of them, Jessica I'm sorry about all this but I want you to help Carson with whatever he needs" Jessica nodded while looking at the floor. This wasn't like her usual bubbly self. "I've decided to act as the leader of the group until we get Brian back, if you have any problems come talk to me". He looked around to room and clearly none of us had a problem with it. Jonathan was a natural leader and he did his job well. "Jonathan please don't do anything crazy, okay?" saidLinda with a concerned face. "Don't worry honey I know what I'm doing, focus on your job for me okay?" Linda nodded, I found the both of them fascinating, they were polar opposites Jonathan being a natural leader and Linda being a natural follower, I guess it worked out. I put James back into my arms and walked over to Linda and handed him to her "do you mind, I don't want him watch any of this". She took him and put him into her arms and smiled down at him, as he was looked around, James was  actually a quiet kid not saying much after what had just happened. "I always wanted a kid" said Linda looking up at me I smiled and walked back to where Jonathan, Percy, and Jason awaited. We stared walking out of the room "you scared me today Caroline" he glanced at me. "It sure was close I mumbled to him. He reached for my hand as we walked down the hall, all I was thinking was no, no, no in my mind I didn't have time for this right now but I liked it so much at the same time, we walked into a room I had never seen before, I knew I had to prepare myself for what I was about to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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