Chapter 3

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I watched the t.v Monitor as the little red dots came closer and closer. "All right guys, you know what to do" said Jonathan "Linda will pass out the weapons, everyone get to your stations".  Jonathan was the captain that gave us directions on incoming attacks and he also directed attacks on the southters. Linda his wife was our main engineer who made weapons. Our group all had areas that they were best at, Brian our leader, Jonathan our captain, Linda out engineer, Carson was our hacker he knew how to hack into anything, Percy was our Doctor, he learned from a former doctor of ours that we had lost to the southters, Jessica was our cook, her mother had taught her to cook anything, and then me I knew how to talk, instead of using weapons I could compromise with anyone make them change there minds in a instinct, we all had our strengths and weaknesses. "This is not a drill, everyone you know what to do, go go go" Brian yelled. I scooped up James and grabbed a gun and ran to my station with Jessica behind me, we ran out the mess hall, through the halls, and out the door and up the rusty steps to our station. We hid behind the wooden panel to protect us from incoming  bullets, I placed James In Front of me to protect him from incoming bullets. We heard bullets coming from downstairs, "mommy I'm scared" cried James, "it's okay baby" I didn't know exactly what to say but I thought of what a mother would say. "I'm scared Caroline", "Jessica you need to be strong, you need to be strong for James, be strong for your dad, be strong for me". Jessica sighed "you always know exactly what to say". "Caroline, caroline, can you hear me". Percy was trying to reach us over the walkie talkies that Linda had constructed us. "I hear you Percy, I hear you". I've never been so happy to hear his voice, don't catch feelings for him, don't catch feelings for him, I slowly thought to myself. "Caroline be careful they are inside the building". " I know we heard you need to be care-" the walkie talkie was knocked out of my hand. "Drop your weapons and the walkie". "Caroline"Percy wailed, the man picked up the walkie "don't worry, you'll see her again, when we round the rest of you up" the man smashed the walkie and looked at us. "Look at what I found two helpless girls and a kid, whose smart idea was it to leave you too alone with out a man to protect you, on your feet now. I spit on his shoes, he grabbed my shoulders and hoisted me off the ground, "well aren't you defenseless, a small little girl, that's what you are. He put me down and pulled me in close and whispered into my ear, "where hear to destroy you northerners once and for all" he tied my hands together, then Jessica's and then James. "He's a little boy" I cried. "These days you know not to trust anyone". He gestured for us to walk in front of him. We didn't move, Jessica and I knew that we had to do all that was in our power to resist. He shoved us forward, he was carrying James now as he practically dragged me and Jessica with him back down the old rusty stairs and through the hallway and back into the mess hall where I saw all my allies in the same position me and Jess where in. "Where's my dad" Jessica cried out. "Don't worry, he's in good hands heading to our headquarters" a man said with his back towards us. Jessica started to cry. My eyes met with Percy's cloudy blue eyes, he mouthed the words don't worry and I nodded.  The man that found me and Jessica untied my hands and put James into my arms and pushed me forward. "I got them sir" said the man. "Caroline what's he talking about" said Jessica. I turned my head back and shrugged my shoulders. The man turned around "Caroline, that's the best cover name you got, he scoffed "there's no more running Clara"

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