Hard Work/ Welcome Home

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Roc: my bad

Sam: its fine

Roc: can I ask you a question

Sam: sure

I knew what the question was going to be. I planned on saying yes to the question but as I thought about maybe I should say no.

Roc: will you be my girlfriend

Sam: sure I'd love to

Roc: good (kisses Sam) night

Sam: night

I was happy but confused. What will my dad and brothers say about this. I dont want them to hurt him. I woke up early that morning. I don't know why so I decided to text Tay and tell her drop me off a cute outfit. She finally arrived at like 8:30 I took a shower and changed. She brought me a pair of short and a belly shirt. We leave the hotel at 9 and get to.the center at 10. The boys tagged along. I walk in with Rocs arm around me. Like a boss

Sam: hey ladies

Britt: (rolls eyes at me)

Stephanie: we been here for an hour

Tay: traffic

Sam: hope you guys was stretching. Roc turn on the music. Lets begin ladies

Roc: (turns on music)

Sam: try to follow me. 5..6..5..6..5..6..7..8 (dances)

Girls: (try to follow her moves)

Tay: ok nice now try to practice that

Sam: we need to conference (sits)

Tay: they might just leave

Sam: we have us and the boys

Tay: you sure they this advanced

Sam: they need to be if we are going to win

Tay: lets see what they got

Sam: ready ladies

Stephanie: this is type hard

Sam: the more you practice the easier it will seem

Tay: (turns on music) 5..6..5..6..5..6..7..8

Girls: (dance)

Sam: step 234 body roll pretend you are ducking and roll. Hop make sure your legs are open walk walk the legs should be crossing each other now drop roll lean back cross legs

Tay: stop (pauses music)

Prod: it was ok

Sam: do you guys do ok on your shows. No so ladys lets get better look seductive flip your hair if you like just look cute

Britt: its hard when you yelling out stuff

Sam: well I'm yelling the moves that you actually forgot like to body roll and drop

Britt: its still hard

Sam: wow

Tay: you guys will dance until you get the moves right

Roc: maybe we should have a break

Sam: after they go through the whole thing

Sally. Man

Sam: from the top everytime one person messes up we start over. And since miss Britt doesn't like me yelling out the moves I wont

Steph: dammit Britt

Tay: (turns on the music)

Girls: (dance)

Sam: again Britt roll the body

Girls: (start over)

Sam: again Marcy the legs should cross infront of one another

Girls: (start over)

These girls have no idea how hard this will be. Especially since I am determined to win. Anyway they finally did it all the way through I know they tired so ill let them go.

Sam: good job you ladies are free to go have fun (grabs bag and walks away)

Girls: yes

Sam: see you ladies in school (leaves with MB and Tay)

Ray: I love practice

Prod: why get to watch Sam dance (laughs)

Sam: shut up Ray

Tay: you're a perv

Ray: and

Prod: you girls going home

Sam: duhh

Tay: I'm going to Sam house

Prince: sleep over

Sam: just us girls

Ray: I'm your big bro

Sam: too bad my parents don't care about that

Prod: bye

Sam&Tay: (gets out of car) bye guys

MB: bye

Sam: (walks in the house with Tay) sits on couch

Tay: hi Mr and Mrs.Evans

Mr/Mrs.Evans: hi Taylor.

Alice: honey your brothers should be coming home tonight or tomorrow morning

Sam: yay and who all coming

John: JJ,Matthew and Chris

Sam: ok dad and Tay spending a night

Alice: as longlong as her parents say its ok

Tay: they did Mrs.Evans

Mrs.Evans: ok night ladies (goes upstairs with Mr.Evans)

Sam: guess who calling me

Tay: who

Sam: Roc

Tay: he wants you

Sam: he does (answer phone) hey

MB: hey

Sam: damn I thought it was only Roc

Ray: ouch that hurt but we gonna leave so its just you two (walks out with Prod and Prince)

Roc: hey

Me and Roc talk until 3 in the morning Tay went upstairs at like 1. Now Ray there. Our convo took a whole u turn but I'm tired.

Sam: you guys I'm going to sleep

Ray: night sis

Sam: night bro

??: other people your bros

Sam: JJ Chris Mat you guys are early

Mat: why the hell you up so late

Sam: on the phone

Chris: we going to sleep (goes upstairs with the guys)

Roc: who was that

Sam: my brothers they're in town for a while

Ray: well night

Sam: night

Roc: night babe

Sam: night (hangs up and goes to sleep)

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