Birthday Plans

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We all get ready to go I wear my graphic lips tee my Betty jeans Zign cowboy/biker jeans my kiss lips sunglasses and 2 pair of earings. Then all of us go to IHop for breakfast that includes Elizabeth Chanel and Jake.

Sam: yes I'm starving i didn't eat last night.

Roc: yes you did (laughs)

Sam: Roc (playfully pushes him)

Tay: anyway what the plans for tonight

Mb: nothing

Sam: losers

Eddy: i know where a party at

Sam: we there

Prod: Keisha might kill us we go on tour soon and haven't practiced yet

Ray: we wanna have fun (yells) yay

John: young man

Ray: sorry Mr.E

Eddy: when did you accept Mr.E

John: when these guys came. They can change a Guy

Sam: and a girl

John: I hope not to much

Eddy: you guys go on tour

Prince: yea we Mindless Behavior

Eddy: ohh yea how did this loser meet you guys

Sam: rude

Ray: we went to her school

Eddy: ohh where your brothers

Sam: they all left last night

Eddy: damn

We continue to have our little group convo.

John: lets have a whole table convo.

Sam: ok so Jake when did you turn 7

Jake: August 1st

Sam: Leos up (gives Jake a Hugh five

Jake: how old are you

Sam: I'm 15

Jake: can i go to your sweet 16

Sam: only if you wear a tux

Elizabeth: he doesnt

Jake: ok

Sam: yay

Tay: talking about sweet 16 what's the theme

Sam: its a surprise but V.I.P get a party bus

Roc: babe we gonna be on tour

Sam: really

Roc: yea

Sam: you was supposed to ride in on a horse with me

Roc: sorry

Jake: ill ride in

Sam: deal

Jake: yay

Tay: he is so cute

John: ok so Chanel when your birthday

Chanel: October

Sam: haunted house party

Chanel: what's that

Sam: you go threw a haunted house to a huge dark room and that huge dark room is the party

Chanel: can I do that

Elizabeth: as long as the lights are on and there are no boys

Sam: any other ideas

Tay: no boys and light umm amuset

Jake: that's what I'm doing

Sam: new idea she is turning how old

Chanel: 17

Sam: what did you do for your sweet 16

Chanel: had a huge party with a bunch of girls

Roc: a concert during the day and only girls can come

Elizabeth: also only girl performers

Chanel: yea

Sam: we will think more later lets talk about Roc sweet 16

Roc: I'm going go-cart racing

Sam: that's it

Roc: I'm going to have a go cart racing party with dancers

Sam: what type of dancers

Roc: ballet dancers

Everyone: (laughs)

Tay: December going skiing

Prod: yea

Elizabeth: are you guys done

Everyone: yea

John: great let me pay the bill

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