Expensive Much

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Me and Roc sit and laugh during the whole show. I really miss him. Anyway I thought the show was over. So I got up about to leave.

Roc: wait

Principala: our last and final performance Mr.August and Sam sing The Way

Crowd: (claps)

Sam: I can't

Roc: yes you can

I decide to go and sing The Way by Arianna Grande featuring Mac Miller. Just like in the video at tthe end me and Roc kissed. It was special. It felt like before we broke up. Im happy at the fact the crowd went Awww. We go back stage to see Tay sitting there.

Sam: what's wrong

Tay: I just witnessed your dad pay James $200 and he said if you get back with Roc he will stop.paying him.

Sam: he is gettin paid $200 to date me

Tay: a week

Roc: now ima beat his ass

Principal: ok thank you everyone for coming

Sam: he is gonna get it

Tay: no honey your expensive make him spend all that money on you

Sam: you think that will work

Roc: I thought we was getting back together

Sam: we are but he has to pay for what he doing and I want to go to Urasawa

Tay: expensive

Sam: I know (goes to James) hey babe I'm sorry for what happened

James: yea its ok I fogive you

Sam: great lets go to Urasawa

James: sure my treat

Sam: great met me there (goes home to get ready)

I go home and put on a nice simple outfit nothing fancy. Me and James go out to eat I order the most expensive thing on the menu. He spent over $2000 on me that night. Damn I'm exepensive.

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