The Mystery Of The Ring

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I was walking towards the police station with Sheriff Forbes and Mayor Lockwood. They both new that I was an Original vampire, but they also knew I had no plan on killing anyone yet. Emphasise on the yet. They did know that I was extremely annoyed with Elena, though they didn't know why.

"The mystery is not going to get solved any faster with you yelling at me, Carol." Liz told Carol, annoyed.

"We have two council murders and an attempted murder on our hands." Carol reminded Liz. "If you have a suspect, it is your duty to keep me in the loop."

"I'm just going to point this out, if it's a vampire it's practically undetectable because they're stabbing, not biting." I told them. "There was a series of murders like this in 1912 according to both the records and my brothers."

"It's my duty to make sure I don't accuse an innocent person of being a serial killer." Liz told Carol.

"Just tell me who it is, Liz." Carol lied.

We walked into the station and Damon was there. Alaric woke up and looked at us, eyes wide. I gave him a small, apologetic smile.

"Just before we begin I need to say something." I told them. "I'm sorry about Klaus. Honestly, the dagger would've kept us alive because Elijah could've gotten Finn and fled. That way no one would have to play sacrificial lamb."

"I didn't do it." Alaric insisted.

"You're arresting him for what this nut job, Doctor Fell, says?" Damon asked, annoyed.

"No, I'm detaining him." Liz told Damon. "The cell us for his own good. You were shot; Doctor Fell used blood to heal you.

"Doctor Fell is the one who shot me." Alaric told Liz.

"Because you came at her with a knife!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, with a knife I had found hidden in her things!" Alaric shouted.

"Are we gonna ignore the part where he is one of the killer's victims?" Damon asked. "I mean, the guy was practically stabbed to death."

"Well, Doctor Fell suggested his wounds could have been self-inflicting." Liz told us.

"You think I stabbed myself?" Alaric asked.

"Look, I think I don't know what to think." Liz shrugged. "I've got nothing, except murder weapons from your stash and a respected member of a founding family pointing a very long finger."

"She is setting me up." Alaric insisted. "I'm being framed here!"

"Well, that may be so, but I don't have any proof of that." Liz told him.

"Well then we'll find some." Damon said.

"No, just stay out of this, Damon." Liz instructed. "You getting involved is only going to make matters worse. I think Anna's perfectly capable."

"Listen, Liz..." Damon started.

"Don't make me put you in that cell with him!" Liz warned. "Anna can help me because she isn't biased. Well, not right now anyway."

"If Elena comes in and starts ordering people around, I'm out." I told Liz. "I really would like to keep my spot as a young, respected, council member. Killing her wouldn't do me much good, even though she could've killed me."

"Anna, shut up!" Damon spat. "Elena gave Esther blood so she could take out the killer originals. You said yourself that the linking spell may not of worked on you."

"I'm staying out of this one." Liz shrugged. "I don't feel like going up against a powerful witch any time soon, thanks."

"I'm going to go get some coffee." I stated. "Does anyone want some?"

Anna Salvatore ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now