Off the Tracks

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Chapter 6: And thus the train flew off the tracks.

James smirked as Eli sprinted out of the room.

He looked at Carrie, who was leaning against the counter. "I was enjoying the view..." James trailed off at Carries ever devious smile, her pearly white teeth glistening. "I know."

James iridescent blue eyes travelled to glare at the boy sitting across the table from him. "So you're Ryder...Don't you talk?" Silence.

"No he doesn't." Carrie's tone was defensive. James let out a sigh. He has met people who are mute. Now that he thought about it, he's met many people society has labeled crazy.

"Who is he?" Ryder's eyes flickered to James indifferent expression. Just because he didn't talk doesn't mean James could pretend he wasn't in the room.

Carrie looked down at Ryder. His normally calm brown eyes were glaring at the big oaf. She could see they both didn't like each other. Which might prove to be difficult to her other plans later on...

"Ryder is my cousin. I adopted him a year ago when his parents burned in a fire. He and Eli are pretty close. So if ya want Eli you're going to have to impress Ryder here." Ryder nodded his head at James.

James' eyes glared at Ryder. Cobalt steel meeting dark brown.

"Hey guys-" Eli stopped at the doorway. The tension in the kitchen was on all kinds of high.


Simon sat in his truck listening to Journey.

"Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world."

If anyone would have looked in the white beat up truck they would have seen a twenty year old male with sandy blond hair. If the window was rolled down, they would have heard him singing Don't Stop Believing.

"She took the midnight train, going anywhere." So softly that they would have barely heard him.

Simon tried not to cry. He loved Carrie. He really really loved her. But they always fought. And it always ended with him storming out of the apartment. Unknown to Carrie, them fighting always put Simon in his car, listening to Journey, crying over her.

"Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit."

Now don't get Simon wrong, he is a man. But he hated upsetting the redhead. So much so that he infinitely tried to please her. Him and Carrie were meant to be. They were lovers. Partners. Friends. Comrades. They were in a relationship.

"He took the midnight train, going anywhere."

As the guitar kicked in Simon contemplated why they fought. He sighed. It seemed to be the same fight they had for a month. Elijah Draxton.

Simon didn't hate Eli. No. Simon just couldn't see why he always showed up on their apartment hurt.

And this wasn't just your regular injury.

These were multiple injuries. Always seven cuts. Multiple bruises. Sometimes the injuries were so severe, they had to take him to the hospital.

"A singer in a smokey room, the smell of wine and cheap perfume."

Simon was scared. Whoever or whatever was hurting Eli had no morals. The boy was fifteen for heaven's sake. Simon was terrified because that same monster could hurt Carrie.

"For a smile they can share the night, it goes on and on and on."

Simon knew Carrie could protect herself.

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