Where the Wind Blows

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Chapter 7: Where the wind blows no one knows.

Eli and James sat at the table across from each other. James' blue eyes never leaving Eli's. But Eli was trying his hardest not to look at the older man. It was awkward.

Eli sucked in a breath and James sighed. “We need to talk about last night.” Eli looked down to the floor.

Two days ago, Eli never would have dared hoped of getting out of that house. But now, with James maybe getting out was possible. Laying with James last night made him feel secure. Like his father would never touch him again. His mother's blank eyes would never stare at him again. His sister's obliviousness would never haunt him again.

James made him feel protected.

“Last night,” Eli's eyes looked up toward James'. “I practically poured my whole life story to you... That was wrong of me. I dumped my emotional baggage all over you,” James tried to speak but Eli's face said he needed to tell him more.

“But at that moment, I felt you deserved an explanation... I mean Carrie must have dragged you into the car and just drove. Next thing you know, you're carrying up the stairs, me being beaten up and all. You were probably really confused...” Eli's green eyes shone with guilt but at the same time determination.

James eyes bore through Eli's. “I was confused... And I'm glad you told me. It seemed to me that you just needed to open up to someone. I'm... happy that you chose me...” There was a small smile on James' face. He was not lying. He was happy Eli told him. It meant he trust him.

To James someone's trust is infinitely valuable.

Eli looked down. He felt like crying. Not of sadness but of relief. Relief that last night the man with raven black hair and blue reflective eyes did not push him away.

“So since I spilt my guts, can you at least tell me something about you?...” Eli asked quietly. Truthfully he was beyond curious and confused. He needed to know something.

He wanted to know it from James himself. Not some townsperson who didn't know left from right. He wanted to hear his story. Not something spun from lies and gossip.

James smirked. “I like spaghetti.”Eli smiled. “I mean something not about food.

"Why is everyone so scared of you? I've lived here my entire life but all I heard was rumors. I want to know the truth.”

The blue eyed man nodded. Obviously Eli wanted answers, so James would give them to him.

“Alright... Since you told me something I'll you something. I was part of the gang, Animalia Praedae. My father was King. It was the highest honor in the group. But then one day he was killed, shot in the head by one of his advisors. The family split then, Lions and Panthers. 

"A gang war broke out. People died. Policemen, family, Lions, Panthers, even people that were innocent. Everyone suffered."

Eli stared at James, trying to comprehend what he was being told. It was odd, really. It seemed like James really had nothing to do with this. Sure it was his father but it just seemed like he was an innocent victim in all this.

"But... Why is everyone so scared of you?"

James looked at Eli. Looking into those precious green eyes. A lit with fascination and allure. He looked almost childlike, watching his grandfather tell a war story. 

James looked and inside he made a decision. 

He had to protect Eli's innocence.

He shrugged, "I guess it's because my father was the head honcho. The war ended when both sides realized there was no point.

"They became one family again."

There was a long silence. Eli staring at James. He looked to be in deep thought. Then a thought struck Eli.

“...So when I found you in the alleyway it was the gang that beat you up?”

“Um. No. They were just some wannabes...” Eli stared before nodding. “Everyone's afraid because you were part of some gang?” James nodded, his eyes studying Eli.

He knew Eli wouldn't pry anymore.


Simon told his mother he had to leave and quickly got into his truck. On the outside he was calm and efficient. The inside, though, was a hurricane on the rise. His thoughts were flustered and he was surprised when he made it to Carrie's apartment without crashing his car.

Simon had an apartment a couple blocks away from Carrie's. But ever since they started dating he didn't feel right living separately away from her. Normally, he practically lived with the eccentric red head.

He knocked on the door.

A second later, it opened.

Carrie was the one on the other side...Just his luck.

“Hey Simon, Come in! Come in!” Simon stepped inside, his heart thumping. “Eli and James are in the kitchen, let's head upstairs.”

He nodded, following up the steps. This was definitely deviating from the cycle.

Truthfully, Simon didn't know what to expect. What would he do if they broke up? What would he do if she was pregnant? Well Simon knew the answer to the last one. He would care for her. He loved her and if there ever was a baby, Simon would love that baby with all his heart.

Though if they broke up...Simon would have to cope... If Carrie didn't want him, then that was that. For the sake of his heart and his love he would make her happy, whether that resulted in him leaving or not. Whatever happened, Carrie's happiness is and forever will be his number one priority.

The bedroom held many memories. The blond smiled. Many of them were good. She sat on the bed, her red curls bouncing. Simon sat next to her, bracing himself for the worse.

“Simon, I love you and I'm sorry...” Oh God she cheated on me...

“...about Eli.” Simon's heart sputtered.


“Yeah. It's why we always fight. I've never told you why he's injured all the time.” And, of course, Simon almost wept with relief.

“Ye-Yeah I'm sorry too for sticking my nose in your business.”

Carrie scoffed. “Simon please we're boyfriend and girlfriend, my business is your business. I'm sorry that I let it get too far.”

“Its okay.”

“The reason I called is because I want you to know that Eli was being abused.” Simon's eyes narrowed. He felt anger and hatred for who was abusing Eli.

“Who?” It was a terrifyingly cold whisper.

“Eli's father... It has been going on since Eli was eight...”

Simon tried to reign in his emotions. Carrie could never see him like that. “I've tried to help him Simon, but I just couldn't.” There was depth and deep seated guilt. Simon reached out to his most precious person. He sat and held her in his arms.

For making his Carrie feel this way, that man was going to pay dearly.

Carrie sat up wiping away her momentary tears. “James and I are going to head to the Draxton household. We're going to grab Eli's stuff and leave.” Her bright green eyes met his chocolate brown.

“I'm also going to be moving and Simon, “ her breath washed over his face, “Will you please move in with me?”

Simon could have died happy. “Of course.”

They kissed, Simon wanting to take away Carrie's pain.

An: So sorry I haven't updated. It feels like forever but umm hope you like this chapter. Big things are coming up... Well Vote, become a fan, and please comment. It's always nice to hear from a reader.

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