Peace in a War-Zone

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Chapter 5: Love is like peace in a war-zone. 

 (Eli pov)

The sun shone through the dull blue curtains, stirring from my empty dreams. The snow white sheets were wrapped around me. I was very snug and for the first time in a long time nightmares did not plague me. For the first time in a long time I had a fitful sleep...

Well that is until a certain person shook me awake.


"Wha-" The blankets were suddenly gone. I was cold.

That bastard.

"UGH Ryder!" The culprit stood in the corner holding my precious blankets. I didn't want to get up but I felt the need to kill.. I slowly rose giving the burglar the most efficient death glare I could muster in my current state.

The damn idiot ran out the door with my blankets. "GIVE 'EM TO ME!" I quickly got up and gave chase completely ignoring the headrush I was getting. The culprit glanced back and I can almost imagine what he would see.

A undoubtedly furious demon with electrifying green eyes and ruffled brown hair. I try not to think about my state of undress. I ran fast and swift the head rush gone and my mind clear.

I really wanted that damn blanket.

Unfortunately for me, I never thought about the fact that I was wearing socks and there was wooden floor in the front room.

"Damn you! Give it ba-"

 I fell...Flat. On. My. Face.

Considering my injuries, and the fact I was chasing after someone with a blanket over their head, I feel stupid and humiliated...Not to mention a little bit sore.

I felt a poke on my side. My face was still glued to the floor. I had zero intentions of getting up so I made an acknowledging noise, thinking they would just leave me to wallow in my humiliation.

Another poke.... I tilted my head up.... I was met with abnormally large brown eyes.

"AHHHH!" I scrambled up (further ripping my bandages and making me sore) and clung to the nearest person.

I felt a deep chuckle at the warm person I clung too tightly. I looked up and was met with the most handsome person I knew.

 James Kindred.

I pried my eyes away from him for a moment and settled on the person across the room. I quickly stepped away from James and waltzed across the living room, which was deathly quiet, to the person standing next to the kitchen doorway.

The person had very abnormally large brown eyes and dark brown almost black hair. He was shorter than me. I glanced over to the oaf, James, who looked perpetually confused. His face was marred into a frown and his eyes set into slits.

I laughed quietly while I stood across from Ryder.

(3rd person Pov)

James sighed.

He was currently sitting at the table picking at bland eggs. His mind in a very dark place. Why you may ask is our big oaf mad?... Well all you have to do is look across the table..

James sneered. Eli was laughing across from him. His eyes twinkling as Carrie told a joke.

But that wasn't the reason our precious idiot was death glaring across the table.

The reason?

Sitting next to James was a tiny boy by the name of Ryder. Now this wouldn't be a problem if Ryder wasn't almost practically sitting in Eli's lap with a small smile and kept touching him.

James felt something in him boil. When the black haired man sat down, he expected Eli to just sit right next to him. After the touching moment they had last night, he expected Eli to be attached to him, almost.

But no. He was over there... messing around with someone. James sighed.

Of coarse he liked Eli. He always fell in love too easily. He likes them for a day or too, then the feelings seem to increase far too much. It is unnerving. Unorthodox. Who would've thought that tall, handsome, bad boy, loved like a schoolgirl...

"Alright maggots, and Ryder, what are we going to do?" Carrie questioned. She stood leaning against the counter. Ryder looked up.

Eli was confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well you are definitely NOT going back to that house."

"But Carrie I-"

"Oh get real Eli!" James spoke up. "Look when I went down there in that place, you were terrified. Do you want to be scared, beaten, for the rest of your life?"

Eli's eyes were downcast. "You don't understand. I-I-"

"You don't deserve that. No one does. Carrie and I will go back to the house when no one's there, pack up your shit, and leave. Okay?"

Ryder looked on with caution. It seemed to him that James had much more than a crush for Eli as he predicted earlier. Ryder knew that Eli only thought James was cute and sweet so far. Nothing really developed beyond friendship yet... But Ryder could see that soon they both would be madly in love...

I mean really he was good at this sort of prediction thing.

Carrie sipped her coffee as Eli nodded. She smiled. All plans were a go.

"So since that's established, James tell us a little bit about yourself..." Carrie said. Her bright green eyes taking on a more light tone.

Eli perked up at that. A chance to learn about the town's mysterious bad boy? Anyone would want to listen. Ryder glanced at Eli who was just as intrigued as he was.

The small brown boy wanted to know about Eli's guardian dressed in all black.

James smirked. "Well what do you want to know?"

There was a significant silence before Carrie burst out "What's your favorite food?"




"Hahahahaa" Laughter ensued the apartment. Even Ryder laughed a bit... Well on the inside. It seemed after the tense atmosphere before everyone just wanted to laugh.

"Hahahaha-"James took a deep breath to say "spaghetti" he chuckled a little. Eli smiled at James' answer. He enjoyed spahghetti too.

"Um.. Eli.." Eli looked up toward Carrie's face. She looked to be holding in another bout of laughter. "Where's your pants?" Eli's face held confusion. He looked down.

It would appear that Eli was only clad in his pink boxers...

"Oh Man! Why didn't you guys say anything sooner?!" And with that the man with green eyes was sprinting to his bedroom, on the hunt for some pants.

AN: Feedback would be awesome. It keeps me writing! So I only have chapter seven so don't expect a really fast update. But like I said feedback would be really really helpful.

Love Hates Me (BoyXBoy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon