The Monster Eats at Midnight

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Chapter 12: When the monster is angry, it just really wants to eat.

(James Pov)

I raced down the halls. Ryder was in front of me leading the way. He made a sharp turn, leading directly to a empty and dark classroom.

I stopped. Pete, right behind me, collided.

All three of us stood in front of the door, staring at it.

Suddenly, a lock springing echoed though the vacant hallway.

Ryder, in front, acted first. He flung the door open, running inside. Me on his heels. Pete stayed inside the doorway, taking in the fast scene. Almost like he was watching a movie.

“You dirty whore!”

What I first saw was Eli. He was lying on the floor. Blood dripping from his chin. He coughed spitting up more blood.

His green eyes... They looked almost defeated. 

He looked so fragile.

I looked up at the man. He stared at me with a completely crazed look and a satisfying smirk on his face.

I could feel my heart stop.

He was hurting him. He was hurting Eli.

Something inside me snapped.

I saw a brilliant flash of red before there was blood everywhere. I realized when I looked down that the boy was barely breathing. He was a mess. His limbs in odd angles.

My face shone with indifference. After all, I have seen this many times over.

I almost killed this boy out of pure instinct.

I felt two pairs of eyes on me. I looked over my shoulder. Ryder was holding Eli in his lap. Full blown shock covered his face. Pete was staring at me. A frown placed on his face.

...I couldn't bear to look at Eli. No matter what state my mind was in, Eli should never have seen the monster.

The one that lives and breathes inside me.

I clenched my first before stepping away from the boy. My chance with Eli was a simple dream. Just that.

I walked out of the classroom.


(Eli Pov)

I couldn't make sense of my surroundings. It was completely dark. Nothing. What I couldn't understand was how I got there...

How the dark seeped into my mind. What the hell happened? A slight pounding in my head, I felt it.




What was going on?...

Then all of the sudden it hit me...

James I needed him. But I was taken before I could get to him. I was in a dark place with a monster... Before the door was opened and James was there. He was there for me. I could feel it.

I remember Ryder kneeling beside me. His chocolate eyes were hardened as he saw what the monster had done. He was holding my hand, his eyes saying how much he regretted not being there for me.

I remember turning my head to see James.

He wasn't looking at me but rather the monster. The monster that had tried to rape me not once but twice. James was killing the monster that was part of me being broken. James was giving out retribution. He was saving me.

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