Chapter 16 All stories were real once.

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Your pov
The Doctor rushes me off the the magic wardrobe.
"Okay pick out a dress from the 1800 century." He says as I walk into the closet.
"Okay, see you in a bit love." I say as I close the door behind me. I search through all the dresses. Then I spit one, that catches my eye. I pull it out and walk down to the Doctor's room. I walk in and see him just finishing his outfit.
"What do you think?" He says turning towards me. He is wearing a black trench coat Victorian styled. With a black button up vest and a red button up shirt underneath it, to match his highlights. He had on black slacks, with dress boots. He had a watch in the pocket of the vest.
"Handsome." I say giving him w quick kiss. "Now is this outfit okay?" I say as I show the dress to him.
"It's going to look lovely on you. Now I will help you put inter proper things on." He says dragging me to the magic wardrobe.
"What do you mean?" I ask as he pulls out knickers, a petticoat, and a corset.
"You need to wear the proper attire! Now put on the knickers, petticoat, and corset." He says turning away from me so I can change. I quickly do what I'm told.
"I can't tie up the corset from the back." I say trying to tie it off.
"I will get it." He says as he turns to face me. He walks behind me and ties me up in my corset. His fingers brush against my bare shoulder sending shivers down my spine. He sets a kiss in my shoulder as he pulls away. "All done now let me help you with the dress it is quite confusing." He says as I pickup the dress and pull it over my knees. I slip my arms through and then the Doctor zips me up.
"Thank you." I say looking at my self in the mirror. The dress is trimmed with a red matching the Doctor's highlights and a soft pink makes up the rest of the dress it truly is gorgeous.
"Your so beautiful." He says as I get on my shoes.
"Thank you." I say putting my hair in a a fancy hair do to match the dress. I eventually finish and move onto make up, a simple layer. "I'm ready."
"Then let's go!" He shouts as he takes my arm and we head out of the TARDIS. We walk into a could.
"Ah!" I say as I cling on tithe Doctor for my dear life. I expect us to fall but nothing happens. "Why aren't we-"
"Falling?" The Doctor says finishing my sentence.
"Yes." I say looking down at the cloud.
"The ice particles are old up hear that it freezes. Plus I did some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff." She says as I tap the loud with the tip of my shoe. "Would you prefer me to carry you?" He ask raising an eyebrow. All I can do  is slowly nod. He picks me up bridal style and goes down a flight of stairs. Whenever get to the bottom I am still slightly shocked.
"Your like Mary Poppins." I say.
"No....Mary Poppins is like me." He states as if it was a fact.
"Wait! Was she real?" I ask as I look and realize we're on top of a house.
"My sweet y/n. Every story ever told was once real at one point in time." He says smiling at me as a window opens revealing a potato looking man wearing a butler outfit.
"It's a potato head." I say as the Doctor chuckles.
"Doctor, who is this boy you bring with you? And why does everyone call me a potato head?" The potato says questioning the Doctor.
"First y/n this is Strax a Scaran warrior. Strax this is y/n my girlfriend, and she is a woman not a boy." The Doctor says introducing us to each other. "And Straxy old buddy I can't frankly figure out why you look like a potato to everyone." He says as the Doctor climbs through the window. I follow behind him and get stuck do to the dress.
"Doctor I'm stuck." I say as I try to wiggle my way out.
"Here let me help." He says as he walks over to me. He pulls on my hands. With the force he used he pulled me out and we ended up in months floor, me in top of him. I blush at our close proximity and position. The Doctor leads forward and kisses me. Pulling more on top of him. I kiss back with list as he does too. Then I hear coughs as we pull away. I look up to see Strax starring at us. And a girl with a maid outfit on a date lizard lady standing next to her.
"Doctor this must be your new friend." The lizard lady says.
"Oi! Look she hasn't fainted yet." The girl says pouting to me.
"Why would I faint?" I ask.
"Oh, everyone faints when they see Vastra." The girl say referring to the lizard lady.
"Now Jenny dear not everyone, but usually most people do." Vastra says as I discover the name of the girl, Jenny.
"Madame Vastra and Jenny! This is y/n, she is my girlfriend." He says as he pulls me up with him. "Y/n this is Madame Vastra she is a Silurian warrior and Detective. That is Jenny she is a trained warrior and is married to Madame Vastra." He says presenting myself to them and them to me.
"Doctor why are you here?" Vastra ask.
"Oh no reason I'm just showing my little Timelady my other friends." He says holding my hand.
"Wait Timelady?" Jenny ask.
"Yes she is like me! Isn't that wicked!" He says kissing the top of my head.
"I have one question?" Strax says.
"Yes?" The Doctor ask Strax.
"Why were your lips hugging?" Strax asks making us laugh.


Hi! I hope you all loved to update! Sorry it took long I've been having writers block. But know I need to go with the Doctor to Skaro and stop the Daleks from killing another alien race. So Geronimo!

Traveling through time with the Thirteenth  Doctor (Doctor Who x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon