Chapter 28 Don't do it!

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Your pov

"You did that to me on purpose!" I shout at the Master as I try to break free of The Doctor's arm.
"No I would never mean to hurt you!" The Master yells.
"Yes you would!" Captain Jack shouts.
"But I didn't mean too!" The Master shouts.
"Sure you didn't." Tyrone says, glaring at The Master.
"Sure I told you to come to the lab, I wanted to talk to you without your parents knowing! But it's not my fault you walked into the wrong room!" The Master shouts throwing his arms in the air.
"You did this to her! How was she suppose to go through life, being known as the Legendary Hybird! Her parents did her a favor sending her off to earth! Since if she stayed and the High Council found out about her existence, they would have poked and prodded her! Just trying to figure out how if she was a good mistake or a bad one!" The Doctor yells letting me go. He starts at Master. Fist raised ready to punch the living daylights out of him. Only for him to be stopped by Captain Jack and Tyrone. But they totally forget to try to stop me from punching The Master. I run past the distracted boys, at The Master. I feel a sudden burst of energy from somewhere inside of me. The only way to explain it is that it feels like a regeneration but at the same time it doesn't. I charge at The Master, and grip his neck, choking him.
"You made me a freak! Your the one who took my family from me! You ruined my life! You ruined The Doctor's life, my mom's, my dad's and countless others'! In fact you ruined the universe! No all of space! No you, you ruined all of space and time!" I shout at him strangling him shoving his body into a wall. His eyes wide, he tries to break my grip. Scratching at me hands leaving them bleeding, but I fell no pain. All I can feel is the rage flying through my veins. "You did this you ruined my life!" I shout his fave slowly turns purple, he starts getting weaker due to the lack of air.
"Y/n!" I hear The Doctor shout. I turn my head to see The Doctor, very concerned. At my current actions. "Y/n." he says softly. "Stop it y/n! Killing him won't do anything!" The Doctor shouts as Tyrone and Jack let him go.
"He ruined my life! He took my parents from me!" I shout as I feel The Master squirming under my grip.
"I know and he deserves what your doing to him right now. But if you do this, your going to be just as bad as him." The Doctor says to me, he looks slightly frighten.
"Why do you looked so scared of me?" I ask anger filling my voice.
"Since I'm afraid your going to do the wrong thing!" The Doctor shouts as I slowly realize what he is seeing. 'From his perspective he sees me trying to kill someone. I think I'm doing something right, when really I'm only becoming something evil.' I let go of The Master's neck and he falls to the floor gasping for air. I stand there speechless, due to my actions. I stare at my feet afraid if I look up everyone will start yelling at me. Then I feel a pair of arms around me, holding me. I totally loose control of my emotions and have a break down. I hold onto the figure crying my eyes out.
"It's okay let it out." I hear a familiar voice say, as I realize it's The Doctor holding me. I then sink to the floor, The Doctor sinking down with me. I bury my face in his chest, as I cry. I here Jack and Tyrone discussing what to do with their new prisoner, The Master.
"I'm sorry...." I say as I quietly sob.
"Why are you sorry love? You did nothing wrong." The Doctor ask as I look up at him.
"I did this." I say quietly as I hold back tears.
"You didn't do anything my dear. Why on earth do you think you did this?" The Doctor ask as I slowly control and contain my emotions.
"I was born, I was stupid when I was younger. I got you all into this mess including The Master." I say in a hush whisper like I'm telling a super secret secret I talk any louder.
"Hey don't say that, just because you were born doesn't mean that you did this." The Doctor says as he holds me closer. He somewhat stiffens as he pulls me closer. Then he lets me go and looks down at my stomach. "You're....and I'm the......." The Doctor says trailing off. He makes me smile, and nod.
"Your so dense Doctor. You have been hugging her and you didn't notice her baby bump?" Tyrone ask a bit sarcastic.
"I have to with T there, it's kinda the most obvious part of her body at the moment." Captain Jack says as he handcuffs The Master who had pasted out, due to my grip on him.
"Sorry, I was just happy to see you, then there was the whole almost killing The Master incident." The Doctor says.
"First off, Jack are you saying that my baby bump is noticeable since I look fat?" I ask Jack.
"Maybe..." Jack says with a smirk. I roll my eyes as I start to feel slightly better.
"And secondly, Doctor." I say turning to look at him. He looks at me.
"Yes?" He ask completely turning his whole body to face me.
"Just no." I say shaking my head at his last comment.
"No to what?" The Doctor ask, looking clueless.
"No to the stupid comment you made about the quote; 'the whole almost The Master incident'." I say as I drown at him.
"Too soon?" The Doctor ask, as I nod. "Sorry I won't do it again." The Doctor says making us all laugh.


Me: 'Ello!
Chinny: Elmo!
Me: *giggles* Your so childish.
Chinny: I try.
Me: *giggles* Anyways, so how did you guys like the chapter. I would love to know your feed back!
Chinny: But I doubt she needs it.
Me: Thanks Chinny but there is always room for improvement. Well good bye for now and......

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