Chapter 1

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hii! So I decide to make an Avengers fanfic because I love Loki and the Avengers ^^

This story is based on the movie The Avengers


Here's the first chapter, I hope you like it :D

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I really love to hear some feedback 



People. Party. One more shot. One more drink. One more boy to kiss and make fun with. One more. ‘Nic? Do you know what you’re doing right know?’ My best friend Katelin, I thought, was trying to talk with me. ‘What?’ I asked with a high tone in my voice. ‘You’re kissing with every guy on this party!’ She was angry. ‘So what?’ I yelled. ‘You have a boyfriend! Remember Chris?’ Katelin showed me her phone. I saw a photo with a girl kissing a good looking guy. I remembered him. ‘Chris? I’ve heard his ex is very cute’ I chuckled. ‘You mean Jamie?’ Katelin looked surprised. ‘I mean myself silly!’ I screamed. Katelin took my arm and pulled me out of the club. The only thing I could do was laughing. ‘Katelin, You are SO funny!’ I yelled. Suddenly we were standing next to a silence highway. It was dark and the only sound I heard was the hard bass of the club. We were at a party at the edge of Las Vegas. Me and my best friend Katelin, who is sometimes a bit of a weirdo, were at this strange party with other peers of 21 years old. Everyone was drunk inside. But still it was too early for me to be already this drunk. I laughed to myself.

 ‘What are you doing Nicole?’ Katelin asked while holding my arms. ‘I was having a good time! But then you pulled me out of it’ I chuckled again, like I always do when I have had a couple of drinks. ‘I hate it if you’re acting this way’ Katelin looked irritated.  I like it when she’s irritated cause of me.  ‘Fine! Let’s make some fun somewhere else! In the middle of nowhere, maybe?’ I asked. It was time for a good joke. ‘Take a car and you’re in the dessert, baby’ I laughed. Sometimes I just can’t control myself. ‘Go get your car, let’s make some rounds, Honey’ Katelin said. I heard she was really pissed off. ‘We’re in Vegas. You can even take a Transformer!’ Men, I was really drunk. Katelin walked away and I followed her. In my denim shorts and my hippie skirt I walked to the other side of the highway where a few cars were parked. I took my heels off and broke the glass of one of the cars. Katelin did it by another car. ‘Shouldn’t we go back?’ Katelin asked. Gosh, what a baby. ‘No, you want to make some rounds in the dessert’ I said childish. ‘So let’s make some rounds in the dessert’

I stepped in and tried to start the car. Katelin was trying to do it also. ‘Are you sure about this?’ She asked again. ‘Yes, why not?’ I answered. I took some starting cables and in no time my car started. This must be my lucky day. First I broke up with my stupid ex-boyfriend, then I kissed some really nice guys and now I’m stealing a car. I like being rebels. I heard Katelin’s car and immediately I drove away. ‘See you in L.A. Babe!’ I yelled to Katelin. With my drunken head I started the radio. ‘Come on, little robot of mine!’ I said to the radio. It was Highway to hell of ACDC. I started to scream along with the lyrics. ‘I’m on a Highwaaay to Hell! Tuduum’ My car drove fast and in 10 minutes I drove all alone trough the dessert. But suddenly I was getting a headache. ‘My head!!!!’ I screamed. Other songs were played on the radio. It looked like I totally know all the songs.

Suddenly I drove over some kind of hard piece of the road. The steering wheel suddenly made rounds. ‘What is happening?’ I asked myself. Maybe I took some weed the other moment. This wasn’t real I said to myself. Suddenly the car stopped after making some round. ‘What?’  I looked to the fuel gauge. ‘Seriously?’ The car was out of refuel. ‘No way!’ I stepped out of the car and looked around. Darkness hoarse over the dessert. I walked to the backside of the car if there is any kind of fuel. Only a shovel and some robe. I was stranded. I felt in my pockets: 5 dollars, some gum and a paper with lipstick on it. Where’s my phone? I bet Katelin took it! OMG, I hated this! Where was Katelin? She should be here. Was my car that fast? No way. I waited for 10 minutes but still no freakin car.

Stupid Katelin. My body started to shiver. It was cold, very cold. And so, I waited. Counting the stars.

After some time counting the stars, I looked to my arms. A watch! I saw what time it was. 2.17 AM. ‘What?’ It must have been an hour after I had took the car and drove away. And still, there was no sign of Katelin. I was way too far from Vegas. For now I had two options. 1: Wait here for someone to come or 2: walk to the city and hope that someone comes by. I choose for option 2 because there was no way that someone suddenly came to rescue me. And with my drunken head, I knew that walking is good if you’re cold. I looked into the car. I decided to take the robe with me. Then I saw that I wasn’t wearing any shoes. ‘Dam it!’ I screamed. No answer. I was looking to the road. Left. Right. Which way did I come from? My head was too dizzy to know from which side I came.

Should I go left or right? Tic-tac-toe right, tic-tac-toe left, I decided to go left. Because left is the opposite of right. Right sounds like the right thing to do and I hate to do the right thing.

After 30 minutes walking to left I heard an explosion, not very far from me. I looked around. I didn’t see anything. Maybe, I imagined it. And suddenly I saw a car. 'Here I am!' I screamed with my drunken head. A car! I started to walk harder and harder.  But then I saw the lights coming to me faster and faster. I started to wave. ‘HERE I AM!’ I screamed. The car was coming closer to me.

And then the car hit me.

I always thought that getting hit by a car was a lot more painful. But it felt very soft. Just like someone hugged my. But only now it was a really hard hug with a metal plate.

It wasn’t that hard but still it hurt. I felt. I felt on the ground. On the cold plains of the road. I felt like ages before he finally touched the ground. I began to beep because my mouth was too dry to scream. I was going to see black circles everywhere. But then I saw the size of a man standing next to me. ‘Sir?’ I ask and I saw a blue light. A very bright, blue light. ‘What’s that? Are you an angel?’ I asked. ‘Sir? Can you help me?’ I asked. But then everything turned black. 

In the End (Loki ~ Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon