Chapter 3

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It took me a while to edit this... 

Why? Cause I forgot I have Wattpad -,- And then there's the excuse I don't have time. But that's not true I don't make time. So Here's a little promise from me: I have this idea in my head for a story with all the Marvel Universe Movies and a complete nev Fantasy story. I'll hope you will like it :)



My whole life I had lived in that small town with my parents. I didn’t have any other siblings. And so, I always went to Katelin with my problems. I was a problem-child, like my parents called it. I made chaos, I search for chaos and I wanted chaos. I just didn’t want a boring life. Unfortunately I was just one of the other million children in the world. A normal one. A human-being.  

It was dark. Only dark. It didn’t smell nice and I heard people running back and forth. I was getting up. Still having a headache, I hate it! Loki. The first thing that came in my head. Where was he? My eyes were trying to open slowly. What time was it? I looked around me. I was no more in that car. So, maybe it was all a dream or whatever. There was no one besides me or near me. I looked good to the room I was in. I lay on some kind of bank with a thin blanket over me and I saw something that looked like a tunnel. I looked to the other side. There were all different people walking in a large space. The room was filled with all kind of science stuff and there were people walking in lab coats and also in army clothing. Where was I this time?

I decided to stand up and look around and I only saw all kind of people I didn’t know. They didn’t notice me.  Where was that man called himself Loki? Or was it all a dream? Or I’m still dreaming.  I looked at my watch. 6.30. Morning.  And then I looked good to my clothing. I screamed. All the people in the room looked at me. Feeling my face becoming red I saw I was wearing a strange black top with gold and a pair of grey pants. What happened to my other clothes? I started to vibrate. Someone touched my back. ‘Don’t be scared’


 ‘What is this?’ I asked. ‘It’s just some. Things’ He said. ‘What happened to my clothes?’ I asked again. ‘Magic, Nicole’ Loki answered. Magic, yes, that seems like the number 1 solution to everything. ‘Where are we?’ I asked. Well, it was more like screaming. ‘Shhht, Nicole, don’t be so loud’ He said and sat down at the floor, next to some kind of pillar. ‘What is this?’ I asked again, screaming. I saw Loki had this weird spear thing in his hand. It was shining blue light. It was almost hypnotizing. And suddenly Loki started to breathe deep in. The spear was turning bluer and it looked like Loki was somewhere else. But his body was still here. ‘Loki? Loki? Talk to me! What is going on?’ I asked again. His face impression was convincing but suddenly he looked like he was scared.  I started hyperventilating. ‘Loki! Loki!’ He was the only one in this place I knew and he was the only one talking to me. What was happening to him?

Suddenly Loki’s head moved fast to the left. ‘Loki? What’s going on?’ I asked. He looked terrified and scared. ‘Nicole’ Loki said with a smile. ‘What’s wrong?’ I asked concerned. ’Nothing, my dear’ He said. This moment was perfect. He looked in my eyes and I looked in his. I was falling for his weird charms and his mischief looks. And he was just too cute. But suddenly I looked away. This man had kidnapped me and took me to some kind of weird place with al weird stuff. Who the hell is he? ‘You don’t know anything about me’ He said. ‘That’s right’ I said looking down. ‘So you want to know some things about me’ He said. ‘That’s also right’ I said. ‘Let me tell you something about me. I’m Loki of Asgard and I’m burned with glorious purpose’ He said very confident. ‘Glorious purpose?’ I asked sarcastic. Was he joking? ‘I’m meant to rule this world’ He said.

Wait. What. The. Hell. Immediately I stood up. ‘You’re going to rule this world?’ I looked at him like he was saying stupid things. Hell yes, he was saying stupid things. ‘Rule this world?’ I asked again. Still shaking from the fact he used magic the other night. It was something weird. This whole situation was weird. And he just looked at me. ‘I meant to rule this world, darling’ He said. ‘But why?’ I asked. ‘Freedom’ He said. ‘Freedom?’ I asked again. ‘Freedom is life’s great lie’ He said. ‘That’s true’ I said. ‘So you understand me’ He asked. ‘Freedom is life’s great lie’ I said. ‘There is no freedom here. They say there’s freedom but we all have to live the same life’ I said. And yes, what I said was true. ‘We all have all these things we need to do. Why can’t we just take a train to wherever you want and then just do what you want to do’ I said. ‘It’s like you live a live without freedom?’  Loki said. Maybe, I though. Maybe I lived a life without freedom. We all have to do some things in our life’s. Otherwise we become homeless or pour or something terrible. At least that is what they teach us. A tear rolled down my cheeks. ‘It’s just not fair! My only real friend dumped me in a car and my life is going to suck!’ I said and I felt more tears falling down. ‘It will get better’ Loki said trying to cheer me up. ‘When I’m king’ ‘No, it won’t when you’re king! My life will suck and there’s nothing you can do about that!’ I said. All this time. With Katelin, my parents. They dumped me. Yelled at me. Saying I was a terrible person. A problem-child. A mistake of nature.

‘Nicole, please, stop complaining. I get it okay? Maybe I can make this better, for you When I rule this world’ He said. He was just too nice to me.  I sighed. ‘Loki, God of I don’t know what. You’re not going to rule this world, Baby!’ Ok. Maybe I was really  negative and complaining all the time. But this didn’t make any sense!

‘I was a king. The rightful king of Asgard. But my stupid brother returned. I was betrayed by my own brother’ He said and looked straight ahead. ‘That must been horrible for you’ I said. ‘Well, because of his betray I got a new purpose, a new world to rule, unlimited power. And especially you’ Loki said looking to me. Coming closer to me. Whispering ‘It’s all going to be okay’

And before I knew it, we were kissing. His lips on mine. ‘Nicole, never let me alone’ He said between his kisses. I stopped kissing him. ‘Wait. I don’t want this’ I said. A voice in my head was talking to me. ‘Dude! He’s going to rule the world with you on his side! You want a life that doesn’t sucks!’ The voice said. Another voice started in my head. ‘He kidnapped you! I mean he isn’t of this world. He’s evil!’ said the other voice. ‘I don’t know what to do’ I said to the 2 voices in my head. ‘Do you want the rocking roll life with Loki, your beautiful king? Or you want a life which is going to suck?’ The first voice said. ‘Okay, first  voice, let me talk to Loki about his future with me’ 

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