Chapter 2

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My head!  It was hurting terribly! I was trying to wake up and I only saw some black spots. My ears were popping. Holy pop tart! Where was I? I seemed like I was in the back of a car. It was cold, very cold. Suddenly my eyes could see again. I shocked. I was in the back of a car and a man sat next to me. I sat in some kind a truck. The car Bella had in Twilight. The man seemed surprised that I was awake. ‘Are you okay?’ The man, or whoever he was, was talking to me. ‘What just happened?’ I asked. ‘Who are you? What I am doing here?’ I felt my hands were tied with some robe. ‘What the hell is happening here?’ I screamed. The man looked at me curiously. ‘Are you going to answer?’ I asked irritated.

Then I looked good to him. He was wearing a strange outfit with green, black and a bit of gold. I must confess: He wasn’t ugly or whatever. Some kind of cute but also very good-looking. I looked around. He had this black hair what makes him so attractive. We were the only one driving here on this way. It was still dark. ‘You’re here because I want you to’ the man said with a soft voice. Still looking at me curiously. Like he was reading my mind. ‘Yes? So I’m in this freaking car, on a freaking night, after my freaking friend dumped my in a freaking car which was out of freaking refuel! I’m here because you want it? Who the hell are you?’ I said loud. The man looked to left and stared at the lonely road. ‘I am Loki of Asgard’ He said.

 ‘Loki? Of Asgard? Is this some kind of joke or something?’ I said irritated. Well yes, I was irritated: my head hurts, I was in a freaking car with someone who claimed his name was Loki of Asgard and I was having a hangover. ‘No, this is not a joke’ He said completely serious and looked to white moon. ‘Well, WHY AM I TIED?’I asked angry. He smirked. ‘I don’t know. You looked really cute when you’re angry’ He said.

Wait. What? He said I’m cute when I’m angry? I’m freaking cantankerous because of my hangover. I looked at him with my eyes pulled out. ‘So what?’ He asked. ‘You scared me’ I said. ‘I scared a lot of people’ He came closer to me. ‘But I promise you, I won’t hurt you, Nicole’ He whispered in my ear. Did he just say me name? The hell was happening here? ‘Loki was it, right?’ I asked. He nodded. ‘Loki of Asgard, yes’ He said. ‘How do you know me name?’ I asked. ‘I know some things about you’ He answered. ‘You were on this party with a best friend, you love to party, you have a hangover  and you just had a fight with that best friend of yours’ He said further.

‘How. Do. You. Know. That?’ I said with pauses. My mouth had opened further as I said the words. ‘You’re an open book to me’ He said. This was getting to personal. Who is this strange but also good-looking man? ‘Nicole, you were whispering things when you were sleeping. You talked about your best friend, Katelin, the party you had and you were also talking about guys you had kissed on that party. I enjoyed listening to it’ He said with a smile. ‘That’s true’ I said. ‘I talk a lot in my sleep’ I said irritated. ‘It’s funny’ He said. ‘I wish I’ve met you before’ He gave me a smile.

‘Loki of Asgard, you know, I’ve heard about this Asgard, before. Isn’t it like a magic place where all Nord’s Gods live?’ I asked. ‘Yes, that’s right’ He said while he smiled. ‘I don’t believe you’ I said looking at him curious. ‘Why don’t you believe me?’ He said. ‘Nord’s Gods? Asgard? It all sounds like a myth, Asgard is not real. It’s a myth from the Nord’s mythology’ I said. He looked at me like I got an F for a test. ‘Let me show you’ He said and looked at me. He just looked at me. And then the robes around me were gone. Just gone. And I was able to stretch my arms again. ‘What was that?’ I asked curious. ‘That, my dearest, is called magic’ He said. ‘Magic?’ I asked. Did he just called me his dearest? Again he looked at me, just looking. My dirty, smelling of alcohol clothing changed in a hip, blue jeans and a white top. I also wore a gold watch, a couple of bracelets and some earrings. My feet were covered with a pair of pink all stars. ‘How di’ I asked but Loki talked all through: ‘I can use magic, Is that enough proof I’m from Asgard?’ He said with puppy-eyes. How can I stand guys with puppy-eyes? ‘Yes, that’s enough’ I said.

Flashback: 5 years ago

‘Nicole! Come down here!’ A little me was playing in the forest with my best friend Katelin. We were 13 years old, young, wild and free. It was good to be in the forest. We loved to play there. We know there’re could be danger but we don’t care. The forest was near our houses, down in a small town in the North of the USA, in a small town. Katelin and I were best friends since we were toddlers. We love to hang out with each other. I was the busy one, the toughest of us 2, the one who likes to be mean to other people. Katelin was more a quit one. She didn’t like crazy things, crowded places or things suddenly changed. I was always spontaneous: I came with ideas like building a tree-house or make a hike through the forest. I loved adventures. Katelin just loved to play with me. It was a good time.

‘Sir, where are we going to?’ A male voice asked behind me. I didn’t even look behind me. I saw 2 men in the car and there was also a car that drove before us. I didn’t see much of the 2 men in the car. I was blinded by the charms of Loki. He looked really good with his mischief look and cute impression on his face. ‘We need a shelter to investigate the tesseract. Barton, you know S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn’t have any shortage of enemies, you can get some people, right?’ He asked to the man behind the wheel. ‘I know, I’m making some calls and then, we can start’ He answered. ‘What are you going to start?’ I asked curious. ‘Just wait, my queen’ Loki said. ‘Queen?’ I asked again. ‘Just sleep, my little darling, it will be alright’ Loki’s last words before everything went dark and I fell in a deep sleep.

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