Chapter 3

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Saturday is finally here and it's time to meet the man I'll be marrying. We were to meet in the botanical gardens. My mother was with me waiting for him and his mother to arrive, "Here they are, stand up." I looked at the boy. My blood turned cold, my face pale, my heart nearly stopped, "Hi I'm Andrew." He gave a warm smile. It can't be. I'll just play along, "(y/n) Williams"

"Beautiful name. Shall we go?" He held out his hand for me to take it, "Uh-"

"It's okay dear. A limo will pick the two of you up and drop you at home. See you later. Have fun. I love you."

"Be good Andrew." And with that our parents left us, "Of all the boys in the world why you?!" I fall onto the bench, "I know you made that fake account but, I won't tell anyone as long as you do me one favor." His face was close to mine, "What do you want you sick pervert?" He was basically hovering over me, "I just want one kiss." He smirked, "Like hell I'll give my first kiss to you. In your sick dreams."

He got up, "If you haven't forgotten we have to get married and what's the last words they say, oh yeah that's it 'you may now kiss the bride' you will have to kiss me anyway. Now come get up. Let's walk around." He hooked his arm into mine.

"About what you said earlier... about my name... you didn't need to say that. It wasn't necessary to lie." I plainly said, "It wasn't a lie."

Is he playing with me? All these years he's shown me nothing but hate and now he's suddenly nice to me! What is he up to? What's he trying to do? Whatever it is I won't get pulled into his trap.

"I have an idea." I say, "What is it?"

"If you beat me to that tree over there I'll do whatever you want for the rest of the day. But if you lose you explain why you're acting nice to me."

"Deal" he smirked.

The tree was quite far.

I won YES!

"Now, tell me why." I say happily, "Because we're engaged. I want my fiancé to be happy." He gave me a warm smile. This is so weird. Andy being nice and caring.

"This was fun." He said as he opened the door for me to get in, "I guess it was." I replied.

"This isn't my house." I say, "It's not mine either." He spoke, "No it belongs to the both of you!" Our mothers reply in unison. Andy and I stared at her in disbelief, "What?!" We spoke, "You two live together. All your stuff has been packed."

"But we're in high school!" I protest, "Doesn't matter. This house has top quality security. Nothing will ever happen, you're both safe here." His mother responds, "Bye now~" They sang before getting in the limo and leaving.

I stood with my mouth on the ground. Andy just smiled and dragged me inside by my hand, "You'll catch flies. Close your mouth." He said once inside.

"Let's look around shall-" Andy cut me off my crashing his lips into mine. I tried to push him away but he's just to strong and let's not forget his height. He hovers over me. I'm so scared. What's he going to do to me? Tears started rolling down my cheeks. Andy felt it, "Why are you crying? It's not gonna be bad. I won't hurt you." He continued to kiss me. Someone help me. I don't want him to do this to me.

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