Chapter 4

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I woke up with a headache. Andy was still sound asleep next to me. It's Sunday so no school. I looked around for my clothes and hopped into the shower. Once I was done and dressed I walked to the kitchen. My phone was left in the table last night. I want to phone my cousin Kylee. She's my only friend and she's 3 years older than me. She's 20. We tell each other everything.


I laid motionless in the bed, "Don't ever tell anyone what happened earlier. Or about the fact we're engaged. Well you shouldn't be upset about this because after all we're going to be married." I'm in so much pain. I know he bullies me at school but this isn't right, "If you ever tell anyone. What happened now will be much more horrible for you next time.

*end of flashback*

I held the phone in my hand and placed it on the table.

"Hey hon." Andy walked into the kitchen. I gave him a quick glade and sat down at the table, "Don't be mad. It was fun wasn't it?" He sat down in front of me. My head shot up, "Fun? You call that fun?! It was rape you asshole!" I stormed to the living room. I smacked him, grabbed my phone and stormed out of the house.

Great! I don't have a car. I'll walk somewhere. I just don't want to be under the same roof as that idiot, Andrew Biersack.

"(Y/N)! His voice trailed behind me, "(Y/N) WAIT!" I went from speed walking to running. Running with tears pouring from my eyes. This unfortunately slowed me down, allowing Andy to catch up to me. Once close enough he grabbed my wrist and held both of my wrists. I can feel him staring down at me. Tears just continued to slide down my cheeks. I began to cry harder. He didn't flinch.

"I'm sorry" He uttered, "SORRY?! WHAT ABOUT LAST NIGHT MAKES YOU THINK SORRY CAN MAKE UP FOR IT? DO YOU THINK THAT I'LL JUST FORGIVE YOU? THAT I'LL JUST BE HAPPY WITH IT?! NEVER! NOT EVER! *mutters softly* I can't believe i have to marry an ass like you." I pull myself away from his grip and walk away, leaving him speechless.

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