Chapter 9:Foggy Nights

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After a few hours,you were still in the Lucky Cat Café with the gang talking about whatever they can talk about.You had to admit,listening to their adventures and times together was quite entertaining.Today you found out that Honey Lemon's middle name is Sour (not canon just made it up.I made all of these up ._.),GoGo used to be a motorcycle racer,Wasabi won a trophy for world's "Best Science Project",Fred has been in a movie as the monster,Flame owns a mansion and Hiro graduated highschool when he was 13.These people were weird,but in a good way.They each have a "sparkle" in their lives that makes them...them.

"Hey (Y/N),we haven't heard from you!Tell us something about you!"Honey said changing her subject and faces you.

"...h-huh?...o-oh,well...t-there is nothing really interesting about me..."You said looking down at your (F/D) in a teacup and tried to think what was really interesting about you.

"Oh come on!There's something interesting about each and every one of us."Wasabi said with a reassuring smile.

"...alright,um...let's see..."You began to think and think.There was your love for inventing things,then there's (F/H) that you absolutely love to do.'Should I talk about that?Or mabey my love for inventing things.Either way it's going to be "original" so why not?'You thought.

"...I love (F/H)'s really fun...I like doing it in my spare time when I've finished with my work..."

"Oh cool!Looks like we have someone who loves to (F/H) over here!"Fred yelled and wraps his arm around your shoulder.You flinched a bit and felt goosebumps again.You really didn't like people physicly contacting you or as they call it,"touch".You then looked at the time and saw how late it was.It was 10:59,almost about to be 11:00 in the night.

"...t-ten fifty-nine?!..."You quickly got up and ran to the door.

"Wait!(Y/N)!Where are you going?!"Hiro yelled at you.

"...i-i need home...u-uh...m...m-my parents are going to kill me if...uh...I don't get home..."You lied.You knew your parents were dead but used this advantage.You knew how early you had to wake up to start classes in the university and how important your education was so you had to sleep and get the energy you needed.You then ran out of the café without telling them a goodnight or a goodbye.

"Aw,she's gone.Now the place is boring without her."Flame rested her arms on the table and then her head on her arms.

Hiro looked at her then at the door.He felt that something was wrong,but just couldn't put his finger on it.While you ran,you felt so better and more comfortable without people asking about yourself.It just didn't feel right when people ask you for stuff.Its like as if a random person asked you if you've murdered people lately.Would you say,"Yeah totally!" Or be highly freaked out?As you got to the college,you went to your room and closed the door,locking it.As you turned on the lamp that was on your desk,you began finally screwing in the last screw in your box.After you finished screwing it in,you leaned back on your chair and looked out of a circle like window that was above where your bed was and saw the star filled night sky as you sometimes saw some grey clouds pass the moon as you sighed.You decided to get some sleep so you turned off the lamp and went in the covers of her bed and fell asleep.

~ The Next Day ~

You woke up to the light of the sun and slowly sat up,running your fingers through your (H/L) (H/C) hair.You looked at the calendar and saw that it was a Saturday and immediately began to feel like a jerk from leaving the gang yesterday.You had to think of a way to tell them sorry,so you grabbed yout box and and walked to the "Nerd Lab" while you placed the cube in your bag

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