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- Because of the case, I didn't have a lot of time to practise.

However, in the two days before the performance, Haruka put all her energy into practising and was able to finish the performance properly.

At the conductor's signal, she stood up and bowed at the audience.

In the very back seat, Keiko waved her hand.

Sitting next to her, Yakumo was sleeping with his arms crossed.

Keiko kneed Yakumo and woke him up.

- My mother really does some amazing things.

At Keiko's urging, Yakumo rubbed at his eyes and lifted his head. He might have just been stretching.

Haruka thought the sight of Yakumo and Keiko sitting together was very strange.

Keiko must have taken Yakumo out of the hospital forcibly.

Keiko had ended up staying at Haruka's flat ever since that day. Kazuhiro must have been dancing around at home.

Keiko's interest seemed to have been piqued by Yakumo, the son of her old friend, and she'd sneaked into his hospital room.

Then, she'd met Isshin and ended up interested in him too. Finally, she said that both would be hard to throw away, which was cryptic to Haruka.

If Kazuhiro heard that, he'd definitely faint.

Though the case this time had really been tough, Haruka thought that the gain was worth it.

A bond that had been cut for fifteen years had been connected again -

Haruka gave a slight wave and then left for the wings of the stage.


After she finished cleaning up, she left the school, only to hear the sound of a car horn.

She spotted Keiko waiting there with her car. Yakumo was in the backseat too.

'What is it?' asked Haruka as she approached. Keiko stuck her face out of the window.

'Yakumo-kun said he's going to Nagano to pick up something he forgot, so I'm going to drive him back since I'm heading there anywhere. What will you do, Haruka?'

Of course -

'I'll go!'

There was actually a meeting after the performance, but she was going to skip that today.

Haruka quickly stepped into the passenger seat. Right after she did, the car started.

'Hey, Yakumo-kun, what did you forget?' asked Haruka as she turned around.

Yakumo ran a hand through his hair, seeming bothered.

'Something I've been looking for this whole time.'

Perhaps he wasn't feeling well, because after he yawned like he always did, he lay down in the backseat and shut his eyes.

Within five minutes, he started sleeping.

'Haruka, Yakumo-kun really is such a nice boy,' said Keiko earnestly.

Haruka looked at the backseat through the rear-view mirror. Yakumo's eyes were shut, completely still.

'He is. But Yakumo-kun doesn't understand a girl's heart at all. He's too thick-headed.'

Yakumo's eyebrow twitched. He seemed to have heard. However, he didn't say anything.

Psychic Detective Yakumo / Shinrei Tantei YakumoWhere stories live. Discover now