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Please enjoy! ~Toffy59 


(F/N) P.O.V:

"(F/N), please wake up!" says the voice of my adoptive little sister, Emily.

"I'm up, Emily" I say while softly pushing back the covers that kept my small body warm.

"Mom is making her famous apple pie!" Emily says in her usual cheery voice while pulling on my right arm that was hanging of the uncomfortable mattress, "So, please get up so we can eat some pie!"

"Okay, I'll get up" I say while softly smiling at her.

"(F/N), please hurry!" she says impatiently with a pouting expression.

"Okay, okay!" I say while rolling of my bed and onto the floor, 'That didn't hurt, sadly'.

Emily ran out of the room, ignoring  my fall. I get up and head towards the bathroom to fix my self. I look at the cracked mirror. My (H/L) (H/C) hair was in a mess and my (E/C) eyes look tired and dull from the lack of human blood that I had to drink once every week. No one knew about me being a demon which was hell to keep secret since I had to go out at night and seduce a drunk man to kill him and drink his blood. A heavy sigh came out of my mouth, and I took of my sleep wear and hop into the shower. I turn on the shower and icy cold water hit my (S/C) skin. My body slightly flinch, but later on relax realizing it is the only water that we get to shower with, 'Worthless fucking pigs, getting all the fucking warm water'.

I turn off the faucet and grab a cream color towel that sat upon a small worn out chair next to the counter. I cover my body with it and head out of the the bathroom and into my room to put on some clothes. I grab my undergarments and put them on. I then grab a white button up white shirt and a long brown skirt that reached my knees. I keep my hair down hoping it help the white shirt to cover the rose and pentagram tattoo. I grab a brown worn out flats and put them on. I exit my bedroom after making my bed and head down stairs to eat the tasteless human food, the only thing that I could taste is tea, anything that has lemon flavor, and any type of blood. As I enter the kitchen, a dark hair woman with a few grey hairs is running around the place to make as much pies as she can to sell. I stare at her with my emotionless facade. She quickly moves her head to me and drops a mixing bowl. I bend down and grab it for her.

"Thank you, (F/N)" she says with a startled expression, "You scared me."

"Sorry" I say with my fake monotone voice while heading into the kitchen and grabbing a mixing bowl to help out.

"Ah, it's fine" she says, "You don't have to help me..."

"Carmen! Hurry up we need at least 50 pies and we only have 44!" says a male voice.

"Please help!" she squeals while getting back to work.

When she wasn't looking a small grin came to my face and I get to work.

~2 hours later~

"Thank you, so much (F/N)" Carmen says while hugging me, "You are the best adoptive daughter!"

"You welcome" I say.

"Now go and sell the pies!" she says while handing me two large baskets of apple pie.

I nod and head out the door towards the outside market. I grab a stall the was empty and place down the two baskets. I took out the pies, place the price which was ten dollars, and hang the open sign on the stall. After placing everything in its right place, a boy about nine or ten with brown hair and green eyes comes to my booth with and girl also around the same age, but with black silky hair and dark black eyes.

"Miss, can we get one pie?" the boy asks while looking at the pies with hunger filled eyes.

"Of course, it would be ten dollars" I say while grabbing a bag to place the the pie in it.

"But I only have eight dollars and ten cents" he says a little devastated, "Mikasa, do you have any extra money?"

The girl shakes her head and the boy turns around to head off, but me having my nice side I grab his shoulders and turn him around, making the girl shoot me a death glare.

"I can give you a discount" I say while handing him the bag with the pie in it. 

"Really! Thank you, miss" the boy says cheerfully while handing me the money and grabbing the bag.

As they head off I hear the Mikasa girl says something about their mom being happy. 'Mom...I wish I could visit my mom at least once, but that would be impossible since her soul is long gone'

As the day comes to an end a sudden explosion is heard. I cover my delicate ears and look towards the wall. Two hands grab onto the top of the wall and a titan's head appears. Everyone stares in horror. Time seem to stop at the moment until the titan kicks the wall and a huge hole appears on the wall, enough for other titans to walk through.

 "Shit!" I say under my breath while running off towards my house that was close to the the wall.


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