Im in love with a vampire

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+Ashley pov+

So we are a few shows into the church of the wild ones tour and it is fuckin amazing that because I'm having so much fun that and my girlfriend gets to come with us but I fell like she is hiding some thing from me I just need to find out what it is. We have been dating for a few months and I really wanna take it to the next level but I don't want her to be hiding some thing from me if I do this.

I looked down at her sleeping peacefully it sucks I have to wake her up.

"Artimas"I called her name"Artimas wake up my love its 2 pm"

"I'm up she groaned and opens her eyes her...RED EYES I nearly fell out of the bed

"She looked at me wide eyed then stared into my eyes and I fell asleep.

"Ash get up baby"she shook me I opens my eyes and her brown one starring into mine

"I had the freakiest dream I was waking you up right and you opens your eyes and they were blood red like a fucking vampire then you stared into mine as soon as you did I past out. "I said

"We'll that's a tad scary"she laughed nervously I raised my eyebrow

"Are you ok cowgirl"I asked and put my head in her lap. She looked abnormally pale today. I mean she was always pale but not this white

"Yea I'm fine cowboy"she said"I just fell very weak and ill today"

"Ok"I said"I don't have a show tonight so I'm gonna lay in bed with you today only if your ok with that"

She nodded then kissed me she pulled away as quickly as they came on my lips"yes it's ok I want you to"

I smiled and put my head on the pillows. I pulled her down next to me and wrapped my arms around her. She smiled at me and her sparkling white teeth showing. I ran my finger through her hat black hair then put it back down to her waist as she laid her head on my chest. She felt so cold. I lent down and kissed her. Her bright red lips was a cold as her body.

"Artimas can I ask you some thing"I asked

"Of course cow boy what is it"she asked

"Is there some thing your not telling me about your self cause I wanna do something so bad but I don't want any secrets between us"I asked she sighed and sat up

"Ok you have to promise me you won't freak out any way shape or form and you keep it between us ok"she said I nodded

"Close your eyes"she said I sighed and closed my eyes a few seconds later she told my to open them and I was looking into blood red eyes I almost screamed but she covered my mouth

"You promised you wouldn't freak out"she let go if my mouth"there's more"she opens her mouth and there pops fangs from out of no were

"What are u"I asked a bit mean she flinched by that and she looked at me hurt"ok that came out a little harsh"

"I'm a vampire Ashley"she growled"I'm weak cause I haven't fed in a while and I need to but I can't that's why I'm so pale,ill and very cold"

I was in total shock

"Wha why didn't I know about this"I asked

"Because how could I tell some one that I'm a vampire"she sighed and her fangs went up into her gums.

"It was probably hard to even tell me now wasn't it." I said she nodded I looked into her red eyes and smiled she smiled back as i kissed her.

"How are you feeling"I asked

"Better that I got to tell you but I'm still weak"she said

"You said you need to feed."I said"feed on me in pretty healthy"

"No baby it's gonna hurt its worse then you think believe me"she said

"No I want you to."I said"please so you feel a little bit better"

"Ok"she sighed I moved the hair off my neck. She came infront of me and bit down on it. It hurt so fucking bad but I couldn't yell out. A few seconds later she licked over it and moved so she would face me. She wiped her mouth as I moved my hand to the bite marks but they weren't there

"I licked over them so they would disappear"she said becoming more of her self

"Ok"I said

"Did it hurt"she raised an eyebrow

"Uhh no"I said she raised an eyebrow

"It hurt like a bitch"

"I told you"she said putting her brown contacts in"thts why I didn't wanna feed off of you" I warped my arms around her waist and pulled her back on the bed.

"Are you still gonna lay in bed with me all day"I whispered in her ear she smiled

"Of course"she said and nuzzled into me

Im in love with a vampire(Ashley purdy)DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now