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(9 months later)


It's been nine months since I found out I was pregnant with my twins xaviar and Sapphire.

I decided not to rest Ashley if he was the father or not. Its been i think maybe about 6 months since I talked to him. That was at cc and Cheyennes wedding. They have been married for about 3-4 months and they could never be happier.

Ashley I herd turned to alcohol since we split up. I feel bad for him but on the other hand I could care less. I have two 3 month old children to take care of I don't need to worry about anything else in my life right now.

I looked around my room. I can't believe I'm still awake at 3am.

I walked in the kids room to check in them.

Xavier is sleeping finally he couldn't sleep for the past few nights lately. He already spoke his first words mama and dah-dah. I smiled remembering that day.

I walked over to sapphire my little angle. She has the eyes the color of a sapphire just like my mum has. That's why I named her that. I looked down at her and she was asleep. She hasn't spoken anything yet. But she does try I give her props to that.

She looks like Ashley though. She has his hair color smile and face shape. But she is so pretty.

Xavier looks exactly like his dad. He looks like me a little bit but more like Ashley. The only trait he has from me his his hair line and eye shape that's it.

It brakes my heart knowing there not gonna have there dad in there lives but the would be better off.

I turned on there night light and closed the door slightly and went into my living room.

If you couldn't tell I don't sleep.i don't know why but I just can't lately.

I turned on the tv and family guy was on. I sighe and laid down on the couch were I've been sleeping since the twins were born. (My house is only one story). I'm just scared someone's gonna come in and take them.

I watched the tv for a while untill I herd crying from bolth kids. I looked at the clock 5 am right on time.

I quickly made two bottles and went in there room and turned on the light.

I picked up Xavier first since he was the closest to the changing table and changed his diaper. I put him on the floor and gave him his bottle. He learned how to hold and feed himself fast.

I picked up sapphire and did the same. By the time I was done with her I put her down and gave her her bottle and picks up Xavier again and burped him. After that I did sapphire and bout them into the living room I went into the kitchen and washed the bottles and sat with them.

I opened the curtains and it was dark and rainy out.

"Ma-ma"Xavier crawled over to me as did sapphire. I sat on the couch and put them both on my lap and kisses there heads

(Time lapse to1pm)

"Artimas"I herd Cheyenne call from the living room

I walked out of the kids room

"Hey CC^2"I said and hugged her"I just put them down for a nap."

"Ok"she hugged back and we both sat on the couch

"So how ya doing"she asked

"Fine a little depressed but fine"I said

"What's wrong"she asked

"It's te whole Ashley thing"I said

"It's getting to you again huh"she said

"Yeah"I nodded

"Do you want to be with him"she asked

"No..Yes I don't know"I said"it's not about that it's just about my kids there gonna grow up without a father"

"Yeah I know"she sighed"and he is doing terrible"

"How so"I asked

"He's been getting high alot,drinking non stop. Always depressed it just terrible. When you tweet something he gets more and more upset and on Instagram when you put pictures up of you and the twins he starts fucking crying"she said"he keeps saying he regrets doing that to you"

I buried my face in my hands"I don't understand he broke up with me and wants me back now?"

"Yeah pretty much"she said

"No I'm not going through that again not happening"I said

"Why not I thought you love him"she said

"Ido"I sighed"I just die. Wanna deal with the drinking an everything I'm sick and tired of it Chey"

"I hear you"she said

"Anyway so how's everything going with you and cc"I asked

"It's going great"she said with a smile

"That's amazing"I said smiling"I'm happy for you guys"

"Thank you I'm glad you brought me to the concert"she said

"Me to now will there be a CC^3"I asked poking her belly

"We are talking about it"she said I smiled

"Yay"I said"I want to be the aunt"I said

"You will be of course"she said

"Yay!"I whispered yelled relishing the twins were still asleep

Im in love with a vampire(Ashley purdy)DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now