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Ahhhh I get to see and meet black veil brides. OMG I can't wait.

As soon as Artimas told me I was freaking out inside.

I walked through my front door of my apartment. I quickly went into my room and changed. I put on a black skirt. Fishnet stockings. I put on three belts in the belt loop of my skirt. One studded one one plain black one and one red one. I also put on a ripped shirt that says I prefer the drummer on it with cc on the back. I love cc he is my favorite.

I teased up my now black hair.(I just dyed it when I left Artimas)

I did cc's War paint and everything. I looked in the mirror and my eyes are still red. I changed them back to black. I don't need contacts I learned how to change them to a certain color. I put my fangs back into my gums since I just cleaned them.

It's now 6o'clock now it's a waiting game. I hate this.


I stood still leaning against the counter when Ashley woke up on the floor.

"Why am I on the floor"he groaned and stood up

"Cuz your douche"I said

"What the fuck are you talking about"he walked over to me

I just kicked him in the shin

"Ahh what the fuck"he rubbed his leg

"Your a douche you scared the fuck out of me"I said

"Again what are you talking about"he protested.

"You come back to the bus drunk off your ass and start yelling at me practically having me up in the counter. And saying I was cheating on you or some thing when I was out with my friend Cheyenne who is the only other vampire I know besides my parents,Ashley I thought you were gonna hit me or something so I put you to sleep and sucked the alcohol out of your body"I shouted.

He looked down "ill never hit you ok I made that mistake once I'm not doing it again"

"This why I don't like you drinking this is what happens you then into the most nastiest person in the world"I shouted again

"I said I'm sorry Artimas what do you want me to do"he snapped

"I don't fucking know I'm sick and tired if sucking the fucking alcohol out of your system every fucking time"I snapped back"most if all cuz it goes into my system which is in Unhealthy for me and someone else"

I quickly covered my mouth after I said the last part.

"What?"he asked nervous

"You know what Ashley"I stormed out of the room and went to the back room to get ready for te show.

I slammed the door shut and changed quickly.

Black leather jeans,a black veil brides tank top,three belts (studded one a lace one and a leather one.) I put on my biker boots with the suds in the toes. I put on my leather jacket as well

I teased up my jet black hair and did Ashley's war paint. (Me and Cheyenne came up with the idea of the war paint) and bright red lip stick.

I walked out the door and Ashley looked at me

"Artimas please tell me what's going on"he said I just brushed right past him.

"Leave me alone Ashley"I said and walked out of the bus.

I started walking to Cheyennes house.


'Knock Knock'i herd some one at the door I opened it

"Artimas"I hugged her her war paint was all down her face she must've been crying.

"Hey Chey"she said and and hugged backbone

"Are you ok"I asked her as she came inside

"Yeah I'm fine"She said.

"Your lieing what the hell did he do"I said

"N...nothing just can you fix the war paint so we could go to the show"she asked

"Yeah but your telling me what happened later"I said firmly

"Of course"she said.

I sighed softly and redid her war paint

"Thank you"she said softly.

"No problem"I smiled at her she grabed her shoulder bag off the couch as did I and we headed for the venue

Im in love with a vampire(Ashley purdy)DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now