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I stood outside her door stunned and hurt. She slammed the door right in my face which like kills me and my heart and said I can't even see my kids.

"Uhh"I said and knocked on the door again

"What do you want"she said her eyes red and puffy

"Why won't you take me back and let me see my kids"I said

"Cuz your a fucking sissy and a douch"she said angrily

"I'm sorry"I said

"Yeah right"she said

" I am if I didn't why would I be here"I said

"Cuz you felt guilty because you left me with your kids in my stomach"she said

"Yeah I do but that's not why I came I came to make up with you and get my fiancé back is that so bad"I said

"No but still your a dick and a player you got what you wanted didn't you"she said leaning in the door frame

"I did until I left them cuz I wasn't ready to be a dad"I said"but I am now and I wanna step up and be a father and be a good husband to you"

"What makes you think even if I let you see your kids mean I will marry you"she said

"Because I will literally get on my hands and knees and beg until you be my wife or at least my fiancé again"I said grabbing her hands and pulling her into the tightest hug I could give

"I trusted you with everything you stole my innocence and gave me my kids and you just left"she cried into my Chest

"And I regret leaving I don't regret anything else that happened between us"I said and she hugged back

"You promise"she said

"Yes and I promise i won't leave again if you give me another chance"

"Ok"she said and looked up at me"one more chance"

"Ok"I said and kissed her deeply god I missed her so much now I just want to meet Xavier and sapphire and be a family with them like it should be.

"I love you and I never stopped"I said

"I love you to"she sniffles

Im in love with a vampire(Ashley purdy)DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now