Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven--Charity

"Shh, lad...."

Liam ran his hands along Zayn's back, cooing softly into his hair. "Come on... It wasn't your fault..." He hugged him closer and closed his eyes; the subtle scent of Zayn was just intoxicating.

Two eyes filled with pain stared up at him. "I drank.. I-i never do that and then...then he brought me here.. And we..we..." Zayn couldn't even finish. He was too disgusted with himself to put what he had done last night into words.

"Hush", Liam said sharply, "Zayn, people do stupid things when they drink. Everyone does it. Even I have." 'And I only have one working kidney.' Liam thought to himself.

"B-but... Leeyum, I...I slept with h-him!" Zayn's body trembled slightly, but he didn't appear to notice. "And.. And that..Styles boy... Louis said... Liam, he said he was going to beat the shit out of him!"

Liam froze. Had he heard Zayn right? He knew Louis wasn't the nicest of people, and that Harry could also do much better, but he wouldn't pin him as the abusive type. "He said what?"

The tone of Liam's voice made Zayn instantly regret his words. "H-he said... He said, 'I'LL KILL HIM FOR THIS' and 'SEND THAT LITTLE BITCH IN HERE'...." Zayn seemed to grow smaller under that brown gaze that was clouded with anger. Immediately, Zayn was pushed away gently. He watched as Liam kicked at the ground, an array of looks passing through his gaze.

Did he even want to go up there? Could Louis really be doing that to Harry? Would he rather let Niall handle it and have him stay here with the puffy eyed boy staring at him, or butt in like he usually would? The more he thought, the more he knew what he needed to do. Liam finally looked up. "We need to go up there."

Zayn's face paled and immediately he shook his head. "No, Liam.. I.. You know I can't..", he started quickly "I don't want to see that bastard aga-...."

"Would you rather see him or have Harry get the shit beat out of him?" Liam's words shut him up. Without a word, Liam took off toward the complex, leaving a small trail of dust that his feet flung up.

Zayn's mind was in a frenzy. Should he suck it up and follow Liam or just stand there wallowing in sadnesss like a little girl?  "I don't even know that Harry boy..", he told himself, "So why should I care what happens to hi-.."  What was he saying?! Zayn Malik was not one to think like that. Going against his better judgement, he took off after Liam. He caught him easily; Liam wasn't the fastest.

"I said wait..", he huffed. The apartment complex was a bit farther than he had thought, but they were almost there.

Liam only grunted in response. If it weren't for his one stupid kidney, he wouldn't have this problem. But then again, no one actually knew that his left kidney had failed him years ago and he only had the one. Not even Harry did. It was a miracle that he could actually play soccer and not pass out from all the alcohol he drank.

They reached the two double doors that led inside just as a sharp, high-pitched cry came from above. He opened his mouth to say something else but instead, he grabbed Zayn and took off upstairs. Luckily, the complex wasn't very big.


The cry had sounded from Louis' room, but it hadn't emitted from Louis. In the lit room, sprawled on the floor, Louis lay. Shock covered his narrow face as he stared up, his hand cupping his cheek. Two hazel eyes, literally burning with anger, glared at him.

Harry had picked himself up off the floor and now he stood, blocking Niall's body with his own, baring down on Louis. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" He hissed, "First you get me wrapped around your finger, telling me you love me and all that shit, second, you fucking cheat on me and now?" He glanced down at the bundle that was Niall on the floor. "You hurt him. You fucking hurt Niall."

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