Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine--Emilee

Liam and Zayn were deep inside of Niall's hospital room wrapped up in each others' arms. Liam was still trying to comfort the crying lad. Right when Liam thought the boy was calming down, Zayn would glance back over at Niall and break down again.

They were just standing there like that when Zayn looked up at Liam with watery eyes. "Li-Li-Liam......." Zayn looked back over at the blonde boy again. "....he's not moving.." Zayn was really upset about this. Niall may not have liked Zayn in the same fashion as Zayn liked Niall, but he was still Zayn's first love, and he was also still Zayn's best friend regardless of everything else.

Liam felt incredibly bad for him. Liam didn't know Niall personally but he knew of Niall, and Niall, definitely did not deserve this, at all.

Liam looked down at Zayn as Zayn looked back up at Liam. Their faces were inches apart. A million thoughts were going through Liam's head. 'Should I kiss him?' 'Is it really the best thing to do right now?' 'Would he get mad at me?' 'Is he even gay?' were just a few of the thoughts swimming around in Liam's scattered brain.

There were thoughts jumbled around in Zayn's mind too but he would never admit that to himself, because that would mean admitting that his feelings of love toward Niall were deminished and he now had these new feelings of love for Liam.

However, in this moment, the lust that he had for Liam overcame all the fears and Zayn just leaned in and kissed him. Liam had to take a few moments to process what was happening before he kissed Zayn back. He couldn't believe that Zayn had actually kissed him. The boy was so unstable right now, Liam didn't know if he could do anything besides cry and shake like a vibrating phone.

The two were standing in the room kissing each other and neither of them wanted to cease. The kiss had escalated from a simple peck to the two of them full on making out in Niall's hospital room. Their lips fit perfectly together, almost like they were made for each other.

The boys felt very strongly for each other. Neither of them knew it was possible to fall for someone so fast. It took Zayn 10 years of knowing Niall to fall in love with him so this 'falling fast' concept was relatively new to him.

The boys only seperated when they heard someone clear their throat at the door. It was Niall's doctor. The boys flew apart so fast you would have thought that a bomb had detonated between them.

The doctor did not say anything, he just smiled and walked over to Niall's bedside. He checked anything he could but Niall was still in a coma; he still wasn't breathing. Zayn left Liam's side for the first time since he entered the room that morning. He strolled over to the doctor's side, wishing to ask how Niall was.

"How is he? Is he getting better? Is he going to wake up?" Zayn was extremely worried about his best friend of 10 years. The doctor had a slight frown on his face. His name was Dr. Smith Hanson. He had dealt with situations like this so many times before. People getting beaten to death was not a very common thing in Beacon Hills but the doctor used to work in very beastly environments.

These kind of things would frequently happen where he used to work, so he always knew how the predicament ended. And it was not a very jolly ending.

"Do you want me to lie to you or do you want the honest truth?" The doctor always asked patients' frineds and family this question when he didn't have good news to tell. Some people would ask for him to lie so he would tell them that their loved one was going to wake up perfectly healthy and they were going to wake up at any minute.

On the other hand, there were the people that wanted to hear the truth, and he would tell it to them, that their loved one was not going to make it most likely and the whole thing usually ended in yelling or tears....or both on occasion.

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