twenty one

46 2 0

As Phoebe drives Mason back to the school's parking lot to get his car, she shivers. Although the heater was on, that didn't stop her from shivering at the extreme coldness that was coming from Mason. She also felt nervous, as she did not know what she could say that wouldn't offend the guy sitting next to her. The whole situation was a tangle of webs and Phoebe couldn't find a way out. 

You should have known better. Mason isn't even what you call a friend yet. Boundaries are in place.

Phoebe sinks her teeth into her lower lip as the thought wraps around her brain like a vine. She presses her foot on the brake at the sight of the red light. The car slows to a stop and Phoebe sighs, slumping into her seat. She continues to stare at the red light, anticipating for the light to turn green. 


Phoebe tilts her head to the side to look into a pair of green eyes. They were hidden of emotion, but Phoebe could sense that Mason was trying to bury them deep down. His eyes burns deep into her brown ones, as if they were trying to make her understand something. Phoebe gulps as her eyes drift to analyze his posture. He was still rigid and stiff, a indicator that he was still upset. She didn't know how to handle people who are upset with her. 

She hears Mason suck in a deep breath.

"You have to understand that we barely know each other," he begins, his mouth forming into a thin line. As he speaks, the harshness behind his words were more knowledgeable. "This situation with you taking me out is already weird enough and the last thing I need is for you to intrude in places that you're not welcome."

Phoebe winces.

"With that being said," Mason continues, now avoiding eye contact with her. "I think you should stop doing whatever you're trying to do. Focus on your boyfriend," he smiles a bit, as if he was remembering a fond memory. "I think he would appreciate the attention more."

Phoebe mutely agrees, guilt pooling in her heart.

And at that moment the light finally decides to turn green.

. . . . 

When she got home, Phoebe caved herself inside her room. She wanted the world to open its mouth, make a five course meal out of her, and swallow it whole. Even with that description, there was no word in the English dictionary that describes how utterly embarrassed she is. She was trying so hard to shove the memory of what happened in the car away, but it was as if her brain didn't have a recycle bin with the option DELETE ALL.

"Ugh," she grumbles and turns in her bed.

Her phone beeps, its screen illuminating the room. She grabs it and opens the lock screen to see a message from Garrett. Her heart thumps excitedly, despite the fact she could hear Mason's words echoing in the back of her mind. With a finger hovering to open the message, Phoebe purses her lips. Did she really want to talk to a boy she didn't have the same feelings for?

'I think he would appreciate the attention more.'

Huffing a sigh, she opens the message.

hey. :) i haven't heard from you in a while. 

Phoebe bites her lip and quickly types a response.

sorry, i've been real busy. what's up?

. . . . 

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