twenty seven

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With days approaching for the dance, Phoebe's priorities became increasingly out of order. School-wise, she was fine but relationship-wise, not so much. She feels guilty about what was blossoming between her and Mason, but that guilt always seems to wash away every time Mason kisses her. It was like an electric current flows through her every single time his lips touches hers.

And she could feel sparks.

What she didn't know was that they were heavily addicting. Every time she sees Mason, she craves his touch and the feel of his warm body next to hers. The feeling was reciprocated, as every time he caught her eye, his would cloud with thoughts that makes Phoebe shiver.

Walking down the corridor, she looks around to make sure people were not looking as she moves to the side and touches the handle of a door that leads to an abandoned classroom. With her heart fluttering heavily, she pushes down of the handle and walks inside the room. With the close shutting behind him, she tightly clenches her hands into fists -- trying to control herself.

"You finally came," Mason breathes, smiling.

Coming into the same abandoned classroom after they kissed was an increasing pattern as the school days passed. It was dangerous, as most people knew that she was with Garrett and finding about her adventures with Mason would be an absolute disaster. But as she creeps closer to the guy in front of her, adrenaline pumps in her blood. Her heart flutters dangerously as she stand in front of him, raising a hand to push a stray hair away from his eyes.

She smiles and grabs his face, kissing him deeply. Mason groans softly, pulling her tighly to his skin. The taste of his mouth was addicting and she couldn't help but graze her teeth against his lip, biting it softly. Drunk and hazy eyes remain on her as Mason softly groans again.

Moving his lips to her ear, Mason nibbles the lobe softly.

"When are you going to be with me?" he breathlessly asks, trailing his downwards.

Phoebe tries to speak, but the feeling of his moist lips against his neck makes her throw her head to side, giving him full exposure. Her lips were parted, ready to speak, but all that comes out of her mouth was a gasp.

"Hm?" he asks, his voice husky and deep.

"Tonight," she gasps, fluttering her eyes closed. "Tonight."

Warmth left her neck and Phoebe opens her eyes, looking at Mason curiously. He was looking down at her with the biggest smile she had ever seen him muster.

"Really," she grins. "Now come back and kiss me, I miss you already."

Mason didn't have to think twice.

. . . .

Entering his car that evening, Phoebe was getting increasingly nervous. She could sense that everything about this night was supposed to be special, but with her news, it was just going to go downhill. Garrett looked exceptionally dapper tonight, with a baby blue button down and khaki slacks. He drives her to a quaint, French restaurant called Giuseppe's. It was owned and founded by one of the locals in the city, who was known for his love for French cuisine.

Feeling slightly under dressed in her tight, black, halter strap dress, Phoebe follows Garrett inside. They sit at an empty table, after being greeted by the hostess, who led them to their seats based on Garrett's reservations. With her stomach churning uncomfortably, she thinks about what she was going to say to Garrett when the time was right. She made sure that it wasn't too harsh, but slightly hurts to where he could shed a few tears and be fine with it.

Garrett, you've been the best boyfriend I've ever dreamed of, but this isn't working out.

Oh! I'm also making out with your best friend behind your back. Yum, right?

Looking through his menu, Garrett flashes her a smile.

"So," he says, nodding at her own menu, which was still lying on the table. "Found anything you like?"

She starts to shake her head, but then stops, sighing.

"Garrett, I have to tell you something," Phoebe says her eyes downcast.

"Uh oh," she hears Garrett chuckling dryly. "That doesn't sound fun."

Smiling herself, she twiddle with her fingers underneath the table. She evntually found herself stumbling over her words.

"Well it's just that, um --"

Raising a hand at her, she fell silent as Garrett gives her a sad smile.

"It's okay Phoebe, I know what a break up sounds like. You don't have to explain."

Phoebe makes a squeak of protest, but Garrett gives her a look that makes her zip her mouth once more.

"Please," he says firmly. "I don't need any explanation."

"However," he continues, looking at deeply. "I do want to know one thing."

Phoebe nods, frowning. "Sure."

"Was it Mason?"

Phoebe's jumps meters high at the sound of his name. She blinks rapidly and nods slowly, avoiding Garrett's eye. She hears him breath in deeply, as if her answer was a blow to his chest.

"Well Phoebe," he says softly. "I think it's best we leave."

As they stand to leave the restaurant, Phoebe couldn't breathe properly. She didn't like hurting someone, especially when they didn't deserve it.  Swallowing with difficulty, she follows him out and enters his car, having him driving her back home in silence.

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