twenty five

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When the next school day arrived, Phoebe entered the school doors by storm. She could feel her heart thundering as she avoids bumping into students trying to get to their various destinations. She was furious as she tightly grips her phone, frantically looking for the person she needs to talk to. She could hear the clicks of Lea's sandals against the floor as her little sister struggles to catch up with her.

"Phoebe," she hears Lea huffs. "I'm pretty sure it is all a misunderstanding."

Phoebe shoots her a glare, to which Lea immediately holds her hands up in surrender. What happened was no misunderstanding and that person knew it. With her blood boiling to new heights, she spies the person she's looking for and stomps towards him in her knee high boots. The person sees her walking towards him and smiles briefly before twisting his mouth into a frown. Standing in front of him, Phoebe looks him in the eye and shoves the screen of her phone in his face. Illuminated on the phone was a message from Garrett that caused for her day to start terribly wrong.

"Mason," she growls, looking in the depths of his green eyes. "Care to explain what this is about?"

Mason squints at the message. "Um it's a message from Garrett that says, 'Mason says something is up between you and me, is everything okay?'"

Placing her phone in her back pocket, Phoebe crosses her arms. "Just because I won't tell you what is going on with me, doesn't mean you come instigating in my relationship."

She watches as guilt flickers in his eyes before he sighs. "Alright, I'm sorry. I was just curious and I overstepped."

Phoebe must of been staring in his puppy-like eyes for too long because as soon as she heard his apology, her anger quickly washed away. Her stiff shoulders instantly started to relax and her heart slowed in pace. She was never the one to hold a grudge, despite how much she want to with Mason. Behind her, she feels a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she looks at her sister, who was pointing down the hallway, where Garrett was walking towards their direction.

"You guys should probably talk," Lea frowns. "He looks worried."

Phoebe murmurs a quick thanks and starts to walk away, only to be pulled back. Whipping her head around, she glares at the person pulling her. 

"Let me make it up to you," Mason frowns. "I feel bad. Meet me during lunch in the parking lot."

Snatching her hand away from his grip, she nods and turns away. Quickly walking towards Garrett, she could feel herself getting nervous. As she gets closer, could see his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth slanted on one side. His blue eyes flicker up at the sound of her boots and she could feel her heart flutter at the sight of his lip curling up in a smile. 

"Hey you," he says. She was finally standing in front of him, admiring his twinkling blue eyes. Guilt starts to pool her heart. How could she not feel the same towards him? He was sweet, attractive, and managed to make her heart flutter at times. But still, her feelings for him were not as strong as his.

"Hey," she finally replies, giving him a smile. She reaches up to peck him gently on the cheek, to which he grins wider.

"I'm going to get Mason for scaring me like that," he says, reaching over to gently pull on one of the many curls on her head. "I'm glad there is nothing wrong with us."

Stiffly keeping her smile on her face, she nods. "Yeah, totally."

. . . .

During lunch, Phoebe kept her end of the promise and went outside to the student parking lot to wait for Mason. To her surprise, he was already outside, patiently waiting for her. At the sound of her walking towards him, he gives her a nervous wave -- something Phoebe would have cracked a smile at if she wasn't so annoyed by him.

Crossing her arms, she shrugs at him. "So. Where are we going?"

Mason rolls his eyes. "You can't be seriously mad, Phoebe. I was concerned about you."

Phoebe grits her teeth. "When I was concerned about you, you told me not to talk to you for a week."

Glowering at her, Mason shoves his hands in his pockets. "You were trying to find out something about me that you didn't need to know at the time."

"Different situation, but same thing here!"

She was breathing heavily, glaring at Mason with the same intensity. Phoebe could feel her bottom lip trembling and to her dismay, Mason's eyes droop down to her lips before moving back up to her eyes. The small action made her chest pound, but she ignored it as they continued to stare at each other for a few minutes. She was the first to break away, turning to face the many cars in the parking lot.

Biting her lip, she sit down on a nearby bench where a bike rack was located. Mason sits down next to her, but she refuses to look at him and continues to stare out in the parking lot. 

"I don't like Garrett as much as he gives on," she begins, laughing dryly. She could feel Mason twist in his seat to look at her, but she wasn't going to cave in yet.

"After that date, we kissed," she continues. "I felt nothing that could give me any reason to look at a romantic future with him, but I stuck with him," she could hear Mason's mouth open to answer questions, but she held a finger up, silencing him. "Why? There were two reasons. One, I couldn't muster up the courage. And two, after that day you got mad at me, I took your advice to heart. I gave him the attention needed.

"I didn't want to tell you because you're his friend and it sucks to hear it being said aloud," she rolls her eyes, shaking her head. "Hearing this aloud makes it sound like a really lame excuse. Ugh."

"Hey," Mason says.

She could feel Mason placing a warm hand on her thigh as she looks up at him. His green eyes were pinned at her, looking at her with the uttermost concern. Up close, Phoebe could see multiple golden flecks swimming in the pool of green -- something Phoebe never noticed from far away. As she stares, she was becoming more aware of how beautiful Mason's eyes were up close. With her heart thumping, could feel her lips part in awe as she continued to stare.

Clearing his throat, Mason looks away and continued to keep his hand stuck on her thigh. Phoebe couldn't help but silently admit how good it felt for his hand to be there. Swallowing hard, she waited for Mason to continue talking.

"My mom and dad have never gotten along," he quietly said. Phoebe furrows her eyebrows, confused. "Which is funny because they're married and that they still are. I'm sure deep down they love each other, but their arguing always got in the way with bonding as a family."

At the sound of 'family,' Phoebe started piecing two and two together. 

"Mason," she gasps. "You don't have to --"

Mason squeezes her thigh, the warmth of his touch quieting her. 

"I never had a normal Christmas with my parents. Unless if it was with my other relatives, then those had to be the fondest memories I had of a normal one. The arguing got worse after the birth of Riley -- who unfortunately had to grow around their toxic environment. I had to look out for Riley for majority of her life and we've basically been looking out for each other.

"I've always been guarded during this time of the year, mainly because my family is a sensitive topic. It hurts to talk about something that is so broken, no matter how much you wish for them to be fixed."

At the end of his story, Phoebe felt her heart thump forcefully. Different thoughts were swarming in her brain, but she couldn't focus on one thought. 

She had finally figured out the complex puzzle that was Mason Arabelli. 

Looking into his vulnerable green eyes, Phoebe could feel her heart twitch.

"Oh Mason," she breathes.

To finally seal the deal, she leans over to kiss him on the cheek and wrap him in a hug.

. . . .

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