Chapter 1 - Running Away

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Somewhere on the other side of Tokyo, I was born as a half demon wolf by having (h/l), (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, but everyone saw me as a terrible monster. My parents, a demon father and a human mother, always tell me everything will be alright (y/n), but it wasn't. On that peaceful, starry, moonlit, night I packed up my clothing, silver bladed katana, food, and water while they were asleep. I didn't want to see nor deal with them again, so I quietly ran away.
"They always say that dumb phrase all the time and not a single thing happens. I bet they'll look for me when I get out of here."
I thought and ran to the dark forest.
I started feeling weak to my knees and beads of sweat started to form on my head, but I'd forced myself to pick up the pace.
"I'm almost there. Only 1 mile to go and I'll be there before the sun comes up."
I said to myself but something caught to my attention. I saw another half demon running away as well, but I didn't know why he was. Within that moment, I bump onto him and fell. He turned around and looked at me with his golden eyes shining from the moonlight. He had white wolf ears, long, straight hair, and was wearing a red kimono. Before I could speak, he helped me up and dusted off the dirt of my (f/c) kimono.
"What the hell are you doing here in the middle of the night?"
He asked and crossed his arms.
"I uh I-I was running away from my family, sir."
I stuttered and shook up a bit.
He flicked his ear and squinted his golden eyes at me.
"And why would a young, pretty half demon girl like you would runaway from your caring family?"
He asked once again and I blushed from his question.
"Look, I'm not pretty alright. I'm just a regular half demon that was name called by villagers all because they think I'm a terrible monster. My parents always tell me everything will be alright, but they were wrong. Every night I would cry myself to sleep and hoped tomorrow will be a better day, yet it never came. No one said good morning or anything to me, and it feels like the world is misjudging me. So, I ran away from them since I don't want to see them again."
I said and looked away as I started to cry.
The demon looked at me and wiped my tears.
"I had the same thing as well. Crying myself to sleep, being name called as a kid, feeling like the world is misjudging me. It was hard for me and my older brother, Sesshomaru, didn't seem to care, so I ran away from him; not wanting to see nor deal with him."
He said and sighed as he moved my (h/c) hair out of my eyes.
"But you do have beautiful (e/c) eyes."
He added and smirked.
"Wait, is he flirting with me?"
I thought and he gently grabbed my hand.
"Why not you and I spend the night together at this place? No one usually comes here, but I never gotten your name."
He said and I went back to blushing again.
"The name is Inuyasha btw, and you look very adorable when you blush."
"That's not true, okay? I'm not pretty nor adorable, and no! I will not be spending the night with you! Good day to you sir, and the name is (y/n)sama!"
I said and stormed off.
"My, my. She must be serious and taking care of herself. This'll be harder that I thought it would be; I'll get her back someday."
He said and disappeared.
Why hello there my fellow comrade. This is my first fanfic and I'm so proud to complete my first chapter of the story, and I'm new around here so I'm still learning how to use wattpad. I'll be working some chapters through my free time and I hope I get some followers, page views, votes, and so much more. Thank chu for reading this chapter!!! ❤

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