Chapter 5 - One Terrible Nigtmare

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After getting inside the cold, dark cave and making myself a little campfire, I sat against the wall and bent my knees up. My started to shiver from the cold air that was blowing and I curled up to a small ball.
"I wish Inuyasha was here to keep warm and protected. He would usually hold and rock me to sleep, but I guess he's on his own now."
I thought and cried myself to sleep.
"W-where am I? W-what happen over here?"
I said and looked at the tragic mess I had made. Villagers were screaming and running away from me, but what did I do wrong? I looked at my bare feet and saw blood, and before I react blood was everywhere. It was on my face, mouth, clothes, and weapon which made me traumatized, but there was something really wrong. Inuyasha wasn't himself anymore and his eyes change into a different, including his smile. What happen to him? Why was he like this?
I said and he grabbed me around my neck then tighten his grip.
I gasped for air and tried to get out of his choke hold, but he tighten it more.
"Kill her, Inuyasha!!"
A voice said
"Make her suffer!!"
I couldn't die like this, so I scratched his face and got out of his grip. I took off running away from the village but he started chasing me. I tried to pick up the pace but I stumbled onto the ground and backed up in fear as he walked closer to me.
"Aw what a pity. A young half demon girl like you is backing away from me. Oh don't worry."
He said and seeth out his claws as a devilish smirk appeared on his face.
"This won't hurt a bit. Stay still."
I woke up screaming on the top of my lungs and sweating like hell. I hugged myself and started crying.
"I can't do it!! I just want him back here with me!! I don't wanna be alone and scared anymore!!"
I shouted and kept sobbing.
"(Y/n), stop crying."
A voice said to me and I looked around, and there it was. The half demon with white wolf ears, long, straight hair, and golden eyes staring down at me.
I said as he wiped my tears away and move my (h/l), (h/c) hair from eyes.
"It's me and I notice you were having a nightmare. I couldn't leave you here alone since we were meant to be together. So please stop crying my love."
Those words made me stop crying and I hugged him tight; I was afraid of letting him go. He blushed and wrapped his arms around me, making me feel really warm and protected. He sat by me scratched behind my ears as I started to blush.
"(y/n), promise me something."
He said and I nodded.
"Promise me that we don't be separated again. I can't let you cry yourself to sleep anymore nor die. Out love isn't able to be broken even if something bad happens. I love you (y/n) and you know I mean it a lot."
I couldn't say anything but I nodded yes as an answer.
"Good. Now go back to sleep."
I did what I was told to do and drifted off to sleep. Inuyasha smiled and held me again, yet I can feel his warm body again. I missed him so much and I'm glad to have him back.
OMG!!! They're back together, and thx for reading this chapter!! I'll still create more if you want some. ❤❤

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