Chapter 6 - Meeting New Comrades

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As the night started to fade away and sun started to come up from the horizon, I woke up from the smell of fish that Inuyasha hunted and I looked up to him.
"Hey, you didn't have to do this. You know I could have hunted some fish."
I said and he kissed my cheek.
"You just stay here and I'll get some firewood."
He said and took off running to the deep forest.
I rubbed my sleepy, (e/c) eyes and blushed a bit.
"He didn't have to do that. It's not like I'm some kind of princess or whatever."
I thought and yawned a little.
Inuyasha came back with loads of wood and made the fire for the both of us. Before I could cook the fish, there was argument from the river which was close to us. I flicked ears and walked out of the cave and seen a demon slayer and a monk.
"Miroku, I can't believe you made Kirara and I lost since you had the map! Thanks a lot for the damn help!"
The demon slayer said and looked away.
"First of all, YOU had the map in the first place, and YOU wanted to search for food with me!
Second, I was okay with your plan and we took off finding food with Kirara!
Finally, you've lost the food and the map, and now we're in the middle of f*cking nowhere! So it's your fault!"
The monk said and growled.
"Sorry but not that sorry."
She said and crossed her arms.
"Maybe I should go talk to them, and they might have place to stay."
I thought and approached to them.
"Excuse me."
They both said as they turned around and glared at me.
"Sorry to butt in your argument, but my bf, Inuyasha, and I were looking for a village or place to spend the night. You two wouldn't mind if we come along and help, wouldn't you?"
I said and they thought for a moment.
"Okay, whoever. You and bf can tag along with us."
The demon slayer said and sighed.
"Thank you so much."
I said and bowed to them.
"Just get your bf over here since we'll be leaving in a second."
The monk said and I ran back to the cave.
"Hurry up Inuyasha! We have to leave since I'd founded some villagers that'll take us to their town."
I said and dragged him out the cave like he was nothing.
He whined and pouted for a moment but I ignored his actions. The two travelers laughed a bit and hopped on the back of the demon cat.
"Hurry up you two!"
The monk called out and we hopped on the back of the demon cat.
"To the village, Kirara!"
The demon slayer said and it took off flying to the place.
(y/n) and Inuyasha finally met a demon slayer, monk, and a demon cat. Will they become companions or enemies? Will the village welcome them? Find on the next chapter!! ❤

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