Chapter 2 - Take the Request

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As the night darken and the wind started to blow cool air, my bare feet started to feel weak, my stomach growled, and my eyes were giving up on me.
I kept walking through the dark forest and saw a river. It was filled with so many fishes and my mouth was watering.
"Well, I didn't eat anything since this morning. I guess I'll have a bite to eat."
I said and grabbed some firewood to make a fire. I took out a blade and started carving an arrow from the leftover wood I had, but that damn half demon scared me before I could start on the fire.
"W-what are you doing here?"
I smattered and blushed.
"Oh so you do take care of yourself. How cute."
He said and I glared at him.
"Anyways, I saw that little fire of yours and I was wondering if you still want to spend the night together at this place."
"I swear if this guy does something weird, I'll kick his *** and let him be homeless."
I thought and ignored his request as I walked in the river with the wooden spear and basket on my hand.
"Hey, can you start on the fire I get some fish?"
I asked and looked at Inuyasha.
"Oh so now you want my help? Well, well, pretty lady, I'll help of you'll take my request."
He said with a devilish smirk on his face.
"Oh you-"
I sighed and nodded.
"Fine. I'll take your stupid, damn request. Happy now?"
I said and poked a fish then put it in the basket.
Inuyasha smiled and started on the fire.
"He does have a pretty smile."
I thought but kept fishing.
Throughout the night none of us talked but eaten some of our grilled fish. It was getting to be morning and I slowly started to drifted off to a deep sleep. Inuyasha looked at me and hold me while he sat in Indian style. I cuddle up to his chest and hugged him around his neck.
"Promise me that you'll stay with me, Inuyasha.."
I said in my sleep and he started blushing, but he nodded and started rocking me. His body felt so warm and I liked it. Maybe I should have taken his requests earlier.
"I, Inuyashasama, will and shall not leave your side."
He whispered and watched over me like an Angel.
*morning comes*
I slowly started waking up and notice that I was being held from the demon which he was asleep. I eased out of his way and looked at the waterfall as I sat down on a boulder. I sighed walked down there to take a shower.
"I hope no one sees a naked half demon taking a shower. That'll be embarrassing as hell."
I took off my (f/c) kimono and started washing my (h/l), (h/c) hair and body.
I sighed in relief and didn't notice Inuyasha woken up from his slumber. After having a great shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and went to grab my kimono.
"Morning, (y/n)."
Inuyasha said and I jumped a bit from his voice.
"Oh uh m-morning."
I said as I quickly put on my kimono and put my wet hair in a messy bun.
"Slept well?"
I asked and looked at him with a warm smile.
"As usual I did."
He said and raised an eye brow.
"Why are you smiling at me? I thought you hated me at first."
"Well, I just feel like it, kay?"
I said and sat by him, blushing.
"Why the hell are you blushing?"
He asked once again and looked at me.
Oh crap. Should I tell him that I'm in love with him?

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