Things I Love About Remus Lupin

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-Sirius's list-
1. Your smile
2. Your laugh
3. Your voice
4. Your eyes they're mesmerizing
5. Your caring ways
6. Your cuddliness
7. Your handsomeness
8. Your protectiveness
9. Your corny jokes are absolutely adorable
10. Your nose and how it crinkles when you're confused, smiling, or laughing
11. Your smartness
12. Your wiseness
13. Your shyness
14. Your lips
15. Your fantastic kisses
16. Your giggles are super cute
17. Your tongue sticks out when your concentrating which is absolutely adorable
18. Your love for chocolate
19. Your neatness
20. Your strength
There's thousands more I can think of but I'll just put it this way. I love you. All of your quirks, and flaws! I love just everything about you Remus! XXXOOO Sirius

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