New Family Members!

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-Sirius's p.o.v-
I was walking back home after getting the tattoo. I couldn't wait to show it to Remus! I turned down an alley and heard whimpers. I stopped in my tracks. Then I heard quiet barking from a dog.  I looked being me and saw nothing. I heard it again, I squated to the ground. I then saw a dog trapped under a wooden plank. I gasped. I stomped my cigarette out and lifted the plank and moved it. Then I moved the news papers . I saw the mother was dead and so were its siblings except one other one. They were very skeletal, had tons of cuts, and maybe had worms. I picked them up and they began whimpering. I kissed them both and quickly walked back to Remus's house. I got there and said, "Remus! Get down here!" He came trotting down the stairs but stopped in his tracks. He pointed to the dogs and said, "Where did you find those?" I said, "In an alley. Abandoned, their mother and other siblings were dead. I couldn't just leave them there." He nodded and said,"Let's get them fixed up and cleaned up." I nodded. We went up to his bathroom. We put them in the tub, I ran and grabbed both of our wands. We began casting spells, putting charms on them. Then we bathed them. I said, "Can we keep them?!?!" He smiled and said, "I suppose." I smiled and hugged him. He said, "Oh I forgot to tell you..." He suddenly sounded sad. He said, "My parents died...." I hugged him and he cried softly. Soon he pulled away from me. He said, "Well. What should we name those two?" I said, "How about...Gordric and Rowena?" He said, "Perfect!" I smiled. We went to his room. He said, "Oh! Can I see your tattoo?" I nodded and showed him. He said, "Fuck! That's amazing!" I smiled. He picked up Rowena and kissed her head. I smiled and kissed his cheek. I picked up Gordric and he snuggled into my embrace. I smiled lovingly at the puppy. Soon me and Remus fell asleep with two dogs between us.
Sorry this chapter is short. I guess it is more of a filler chapter. Thank you for reading my loves!!!

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