full moon

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-Sirius's p.o.v-
I wrote up the next morning and I smiled at my Lil Moony. He's the cutest thing ever! He woke up and groaned. He said, "Tonight's a full moon babe... I'm scared.." I said, "Don't worry love. I'll take care of you okay?" He nodded. I saw his eyes were teary and my heart broke into millions of pieces. I pulled him onto me and held his head in the crook of my neck. He began crying. James and Peter looked at me. I mother, "full moon." They nodded and left quietly. I said, "Re look at me babe..." He shook his head and whimpered. I placed my fingers under his chin and moved his head so he was looking at me. He tried looking away but he couldn't. Well I wouldn't let him anyways. I said, "Remus you have no need to be scared. you've done this since first year. And if anything happens I'll be there for you okay." He nodded and sniffled softly. I said, "Just calm down okay?" He mumbled, "I'll try." I said, "Okay. All that matters is that you're trying." He nodded. I hummed softly to him and with my wand I made animals dance around the room. He smiled lovingly at me and the animals. As the day wore on he became more and more agitated which always happens before his transformation. For example during dinner he almost strangled a first year Ravenclaw who kept staring at him. He also stunned James who kept teasing him saying, "Is it your time of the month?" Which he knew he was gonna apologize loads to them tomorrow. He never means any of it. It just kind of happens on full moons. Soon he said, "I have to go now. Bye..." I hugged him and said, "For the love of Merlin stay safe." He said, "I'll try. But I make no promises." I let go of him and he walked away quickly. About an hour later as I was sitting in the shrieking shack (that's where we always meet after full moons) I heard his pained screams then a howl. I wanted to start crying. But I couldn't make the tears come. I looked at the map watching where Remus went so I could get him and take him to either Madam Pomfrey or the Shrieking Shack. About two hours later his movements stopped. I ran to the forest and saw his mangled and beaten body laying there. I rushed over to him. I said, "Remus it's me Sirius. Can you say something or move a body part?" He slightly moved his arm. I grabbed my wand and said, "Lumos." So I could see exactly how bad he was injured. I gasped when I saw how bad it was. This had to have been hid worst full moon yet. I said, "Alright babe just try and hang in there so I can get you to the hospital wing!" I picked him up and ran towards the castle. I got in and ran to the hospital wing and knocked in the door. She opened it and said, "I've been expecting you guys. Come here!" I laid him on a bed and began crying. She said, "This is the worst I've ever dealt with. So please forgive me if I mess up." I said, "I will but try anything!" She told me she would and paste my back. She ran and began making potions. I held Remus's hand tightly. I said, "Just try and stay with us Re!" I kept crying. She ran back over and tried tons of things. She said, "I'm gonna have to get Slughorn up here and Flitwick maybe even McGonagall and Dumbledor... this is very bad....." I kept crying. She summoned those professors and they came running in. She told them what was wrong. I kept crying hard. Professor McGonagall looked at me sadly. She said, "Mr. Black. Do you want me to get Mr. Potter to bring you some food?" I shook my head. She patted my back and said, "I know Mr. Lupin will make it. He's a strong kid." I said, "Thank you professor." She nodded they all worked hard and eventually saved his life. I cried and thanked them, then they left. I held Remus's hand and kissed it softly. Soon James and Peter ran in. They looked at Remus and said, "Was it bad?" I said, "This is the worst it's ever been... He almost died." Their eyes widened they said, "We're gonna go to breakfast. We'll bring you something back." I thanked them and they left. I heard a groan and saw Remus had woken up.I cried happy tears and said, "YOU'RE OKAY!!" He smiled softly. I said, "You almost died! I almost lost you moony...." He said, "Well don't worry. I'm gonna stick around for a long time." I smiled and pushed some hair out of his face. I said, "Good. I don't know what I'd do without you." Soon he got the all clear to leave. I carried him back to the Gryffindor tower then our dorm. I laid him on the bed I crawled in next to him and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. He smiled and looked at me. I said, "You really did worry me though..." He said, "I'm sorry babe..." I said, "It's fine." I pressed my lips gently on his and kissed him lovingly. He blushed. I pulled away and slid my hand into his. Remus squeezed it and yawned. I said, "You get some rest." He said, "But I'm not tired and I'm in pain...." I said, "Where do you hurt?" He pointed to several spots on his body. I kissed them all gently. I said, "Anywhere else?" He pointed to his lips. I smirked and kissed them as well. I said, "Better?" He said, "Yes, but I still can't sleep." I pulled him closer to me gently. He rested his head on my chest and said, "I can't believe it's our final year here..." I said, "I know..." I played with his hair and he smiled. he draped on of his legs over me and he rested a hand on my shoulder. I smiled at him. He closed his eyes and said, "Can you sing to me please?" I smiled even more and said, "What do you want me to sing?" He said, "Anything..." I said, "okay one second..." I thought of a song and began. I sang, "You are my sunshine. My only sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." When I finished his soft snores filled the room. I smiled and kissed the top of his head. I said, "Sweet dreams moony." And fell asleep as well.

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