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kellin queer: i started a band im adding my band mates

vic fuentits: i also started a band and i will also add my bandmates

kellin queer: stop copying me

gay gemini: im gonna marry someone from one of ur bands

ur fave: u hoe

ryro ross: ive never even met anyone from either of your bands and i already ship gemini with everyone

gabe the babe has joined the chat, invited by kellin queer

justin mountain has joined the chat, invited by kellin queer

jack flower has joined the chat, invited by kellin queer

nick martini has joined the chat, invited by kellin queer

mike fuentits has joined the chat, invited by vic fuentits

jaime has joined the chat, invited by vic fuentits

perry the platypus has joined the chat, invited by vic fuentits

jaime: buy our new album a flair for the dramatic

justin mountain: no buy our new album 

justin mountain: i forgot what its called but our band name is sleeping with sirens buy everything with out name on it

gay gemini: oh wow 

gay gemini: i think im in love

dallon weekend: could this be love at first text or should i text u again

beebo urine: kill yourself

ryro ross: everyone who just joined tell us your pronouns and sexuality

ale(sbian)xa: who the fuck are you people

gabe the babe: better than you OH MAN OH MAN

gabe the babe: im gabe im ya fave boy he/him and im pan

ya fave: fuckin liar im everyones fave boy

ya fave: have u seen my name

gabe the babe: we have to fight now

ya fave: i could kill you off right now

gabe the babe: what

tyjo: dont ask questions he just believes he wrote us in another dimension

jaime: holy shit

jaime: im jaime thats pronounced hi-me stop calling me jamie dammit he/him and im straight

angry grandpa: another straight gasp

angry grandpa: you're the only other fucking straight person here save me

perry the platypus: im tony im bigender he/him or she/her and im pansexual

nick martini: im nick he/him and im bi

justin mountain: im justin he/they and im gay as shIT

gay gemini: the loml 

justin mountain: we've known each other for thirty seconds

gay gemini: love at first text

mike fuentits: im michael but if you call me michael ill fucking kill you my name is MIKE i use he/him pronouns and im bi as hell

jack flower: im jack and im ur fave agender flower they/them and im poly as heck

dack jouglass: three jacks

jack barakitten: three jacks

jack flower: three jacks

jack flower: woah

jack barakitten: woah

dack jouglass: woah

lynn rifle: ENOUGH


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