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(still ryden private chat)

ryro ross: i miss you and my heart is telling me to go back but my gut is telling me to block you from my life

beebo urine: i would be heartbroken if you followed your gut, but if it makes you happy

ryro ross: i just need some time to think about it

ryro ross: is that alright?

beebo urine: id really like to see you right now if you dont mind

ryro ross: im at the house rn


brendon put his phone in his pocket, getting up and rushing to the door. "bren, where are you going?" billie asked, going over to him, a worried look plastered on his face. 

"i'm going to save my relationship." brendon said, tears welling up in his eyes, "give me your car keys."

"brendon, i don't know about this-"


needless to say, billie gave brendon his car keys.


brendon arrived at his and ryan's house about eight minutes later. he had left his house keys on the dining room table when he barged out the other night, so he either had to knock on the door or climb into the window. 

he decided to climb into the window.

there was always a window that was unlocked near the door, so he hooked his fingers under it and pulled it all the way open. he climbed onto the banister and flung himself into the house, hitting his arm on a table and landing on a soft carpet. 

he stood, brushed off his clothes, and walked around the dead silent house, with a few nearly silent sobs from upstairs. brendon heard the quiet cries and ran up the stairs and into their bedroom. ryan sat there on his and brendon's bed, his legs cross and his elbows resting on his knees and his hands on his face, silently weeping.

"hey, baby, shh, it's okay." brendon made his way over to him, gently sitting next to him on . ryan whimpered, pulling himself into brendon's lap and burying his head into his chest. they sat there, silently. brendon gently stroked ryan's hair and ryan slowly stopped his quiet sobs. 

"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry." ryan whispered, sniffling. 

"none of this is your fault, i'm the one who fucked up, we will fix this together." brendon replied, taking his chin in his hand and making him look at him. 

ryan sighed, "i'm sorry." he replied again. 

brendon gently kissed ryan, taking these few moments to appreciate this boy's lips which he missed very much. "i love you." brendon whispered against his lips, wrapping his arms around his body and laying them both down.

"i love you too." ryan whispered, pressing his back against brendon's chest. brendon buried his head into ryan's neck, and they laid there in silence, just enjoying each others warmth. 


(this was so gay im so sorry)

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