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My breath hitches in my throat, my hand reaching up to cover my mouth. Where's Liam, oh gosh, where's Scott?

My imagination runs to places it shouldn't be, pictures of my brother lying dead on the ground, Liam murdering innocent residents of Beacon Hills. I choke out something between a cry and a scream.

I back away slowly, and something to my right catches my eye. It's the window. Completely shattered. Jagged, triangular pieces arranged in a sort of circle way, as if someone had jumped clear through it. Liam.

"Oh god," I whisper to myself. This can't be happening. My brother, can help though, can't he? He's an alpha? He's the alpha! And Liam is just a beta. Scott can do this.

But what if he can't? What if Liam gets to him first, or what if Scott goes to far? What if Scott kills Liam? And what about Kira? Scott may go too far under the full moon and just kill her too.

No. Scott is seventeen. He can handle this. He's fully capable of controlling both himself and his beta. Even on a full moon.

My heels clink defeating cracks on the wooden floor of the boathouse. My feet stumble backwards, heading somewhere my mind totally isn't.  And before I know it, I am sprinting to safety. I'm sprinting into the house.

I open the door with shaky hands and am immediately launched into full on party mode. People are screaming, chugging, kissing. Music blasts in the background, causing my head to pound. I trip through the living room and to the kitchen. Someone catches me.

"Hey, you have a little too much to drink?" A male voice questions, laughing. I look up to see a smiling face with blond hair.

"You're Jessica McCall right?" He asks, smirking. I don't like that smirk.

"Uh, yes." I reply, pushing away his arms and standing up. "Who are you?"

"I'm Garrett." He replies, his eyes cold but his smile wide. "I know Scott."

Something about him gives me a bad feeling. I know what Scott always tells me. Trust your instincts.

I start to back away, but a hand stops me. Garrett's hand. On my ass.

"Get the hell off me," I demand clawing at his arm. His smile grows wider and I shrink back.

Scott would rip his head off if he was here. Only he's not. Which reminds me what I'm supposed to be doing.

"Get the hell off of me." I repeat more fiercely, anxious to get to Scott.

Garrett cocks his head at me innocently. I whimper at the painful grip on my rear. And before I know it his other hand is on my body, touching me all over.

"What, Jessica?" He asks, raising his pale eyebrows. "Scared to have a little fun?"

I grab his hand and use all my strength to attempt to pull it off of me. He laughs at my efforts.

"Aw, look at little Jessica. Not even close to being as strong as her alpha brother is. Never going to live up to him-"

His sentence is stopped short. He was pushed, pushed off of me. I turn my head to see my hero. "Mason!" I squeal.

He looks pissed. "Jessica," He says. "You're welcome."

I give him a quick hug to thank him before rushing out the door again. I think of all the time I just wasted in there. They could all be dead by now. Floating in the lake, lying on the forest floor. Ripped apart by Liam Dunbar.

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