twenty nine

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Despite how late it is when I get home, Kira and Stiles are in my kitchen.

"Hey, Jess." Kira greets me when I enter the front door with my mom. She's sitting at the table looking over Stiles's shoulder as he studies a book.

"Hi, Kira. Hi, Stiles." I say, watching as Stiles fumbles out of his reading trance.

My mom closes the door, then steps next to me and looks around. "Where's Scott?"

"Upstairs." Stiles replies. "By the way, I'm sleeping over."

"Like usual," I say under my breath. My mom chuckles.

I walk over to the couch and sit myself down in it. It's a lot more comfortable when I'm tired. I grab the remote off the table and turn on Netflix. I've just started season two of Gossip Girl, and I'm already hooked.

"It's getting late." I hear Kira's soft voice say. "Tell Scott I said bye."

She starts gathering her stuff and heading out the door. She waves at me and I wave back. Then I turn my attention back to my show, watching as Blair and Serena get into yet another catfight.

I barely even notice when Stiles walks over and sits down on the other side of the couch. I glance at him and realize he's still fully immersed in the book he's reading. I try to read the cover only to realize it's in some other language.

"Just warning you, Scott's in a pretty bad mood." He suddenly says, sticking a pen in his mouth.

"Why?" I question, leaning my head back on a pillow. It's never a good time when my brother's in a bad mood.

Stiles sighs. "Things with the Benefactor and the list aren't exactly working out. Plus finding out you were at Liam's didn't really make him feel better."

I giggle at how stupid it sounds. "What?"

"He's really protective of you," Stiles starts.

"Yeah, yeah. I know."

"He's scared you're gonna end up on Teen Mom or something."

I have to cover my mouth to stop myself from bursting out in laughter. "Teen Mom?"

"Yeah, or whatever those teenage pregnancy shows are."

"We were just studying! And playing video games. Mason was there too." I explain, rolling my eyes.

"Well, Jess, sometimes those things can lead to-"

"Oh my gosh, Stiles, I am not talking about this with you!"

His tone is mocking. "Sorry."

"I promise I won't be on any of those stupid MTV shows." I tell him.

He laughs. "Good."

I lay back down on the couch and raise my eyebrow at him. He gazes right back at me and holds the stare. I frown at him.

"When did Little Jess grow up so much?" Stiles suddenly questions, grinning goofily.

"I dunno, maybe when she almost died. Then almost died again. And then again."

"I see my sarcasm is rubbing off on you."

"Oh, lovely."

Stiles laughs and shrugs. "It's my only defense."

Just as the words come out of his mouth, the stairs creak and Scott appears behind the couch.

My Brother's Beta » Teen WolfDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora