twenty one

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I don't realize how tired I am until I actually get home. But I guess nearly dying has that effect on you.

Scott rushed me out of the school pretty quickly. He was already concerned with who ever else was there, more assassins. And even though I'm not supernatural, I'm still a defenseless girl, an easy kill.

I hate being called that. 'Defenseless'. 'Easy kill'. But it's true. I can't help anyone. I'm weak and small and just more of a burden on people.

I need to do something about it. Learn to fight. Anything. Something to get this 'defenseless' image off of my chest. To clear my mind.

"Jessica, you okay?" Scott questions, crouching down to my level. I'm sitting on the first step of the stairs, basically contemplating my existence.

"Hmh. Yeah." I say glumly, tapping my feet on the floor. Scott raises an eyebrow at me and tilts his head.

"Go to sleep," He tells me as he pats my shoulder. "You look like you haven't slept in a year."

I scoff at him and stand up. "Thanks."

"Hey, Liam and I are going back out." Scott calls after me as I walk up the stairs. I stop in my tracks. Haven't we had enough for one night? Plus, I definitely don't want to be alone in this house for hours.

I don't reply. Scott walks away and I continue walking up the stairs. Until I hear Liam's low voice.

Him and my brother are talking. About what? I sneak down the stairs quietly and hide behind the wall. I'm a little sister, of course I'm experienced with snooping.

"Kira found Brett, they're fine but we gotta go," I catch Scott say. He suddenly sounds hurried, different than when he talked to me just now.

"More assassins?" Liam asks.

Scott breathes out. "Maybe a lot more."

"Different from the ones who just tried to set us on fire?"

I hear Scott open the door. "I think so yeah."

There is suddenly a pause. Then I hear footsteps. I hold my breath and try not to move.

The door closes. Scott's gentle voice echoes, "How about I take you home?"

"I'm not like you." Liam responds in a sad tone. I bite my lip.

"Not yet." Scott says.

"I don't mean I'm not strong. Or I'm ever going to to learn to be in control. I mean everything else. You and your friends, you try to protect everyone. Have you been doing this the whole time? I mean how are you all still alive?"

An unsettling feeling overcomes the room and my head pounds. Scott responds, making me blink back tears. "Not all of us are."

I lean my head silently against the wall. My stomach feels sick. I miss her. I miss Allison so much. If only I could just see her one more time.

"How about you just stay here until I get back. Jessica's upstairs sleeping. I'll drive you home after." Scott suggests. I hear footsteps again and the door opens and closes.

Liam breathes in and out deeply and I wonder if I should say anything. Or just go back upstairs and pretend this never happened. But I'm frozen. I stay leaned against the wall.

Movement darts to my left and I squeak in shock. Liam jumps back, his eyes widening. He instantly calms down. "Oh, Jessica."

"Hi," I say awkwardly, looking at the ground. He smirks at me.

"Can't sleep?"

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