twenty six

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They're coming.

Time seems to slow down, my mind barely registering when Scott runs over to me, grabbing my shoulders in both hands.

"Jessica, go hide," He tries to say as calmly as possible, but it still comes out as a loud growl.

I bob my head, although all my thoughts are blank. I stumble to my side and nearly trip on my own feet, but someone catches me. I look up into Liam as he throws me back onto my feet.

He gives me a long look before he clasps my hand in his and pulls me beside him so we're both running.

Just a couple yards away, I hear something hit the ground with a small clink. I shift my head to the side, getting a brief glance of two small capsules hitting the floor.

"Get back!" Braeden's voice rings out. The crowd inside scrambles around, crouching down in a chaotic effort to hide.

Smoke explodes. The thickness spreading like fire throughout the room and seeping into my lungs.

"Jessica," Liam says hurriedly. I look over at him as he tugs on my hand. His breathing grows uneven.

I follow behind him as he pushes through bodies and we make our way to presumably the back of the warehouse.

That's when I hear the gunshots.

The men are firing away before they even step foot into our sight. They're dressed in all black, with masks on and large guns. There are many. Too many.

An empty whimper crawls out my throat and I stop in my tracks to cover my mouth with my hand and watch the flow of assassins stream through the door steadily.

What I assume is Liam's hand clasps around mind and pulls me harshly behind a curtain. Behind the plastic, the gunshots sound distant.

He grabs my waist and nearly throws me behind him. Shielded by his body, I can barely see over his shoulder. Liam turns around and looks at me with wide eyes.

I close my mouth and try to steady my breathing. In, out. In, out.

A louder, closer gunshot snaps me out of my trance and I flinch, Liam instantly putting an arm out in front of me in protection. I look down and notice my hands are shaking.

"Where's-" I start to whisper,

"Jessica!" Liam whips around and whisper-shouts in my face. His hand instantly reaches up to cover my mouth. He steps closer to me, almost completely shielding my body with his.

He has a distant look in his eyes, like he's listening for something. Then I hear it. My stomach drops and I feel every nerve in my body buzzing.

It's footsteps. Soft footsteps creeping towards us. Through the translucent curtain, I can make out a silhouette. Liam is so close I can hear his heart beating. I close my eyes and scrunch myself tighter against him.

The footsteps are getting closer. Somehow they're echoing over the sound of the gunshots and screams. I brace myself for what I know is to come. I've never been shot before. I wonder what it feels like. I guess I'll find out soon.

Every passing second seems like a gift. Another second I'm not shot dead. I start to count unthinkingly, 1...2...3

I suck in my breath as I hear the footsteps come to a stop right in front of us. Liam shifts next to me but I keep my eyes squeezed shut.

Then a sudden growl makes my head lift up and my eyes snap open.

Liam lunges out, so fast I can barely even register what is happening before he grabs ahold of a suited man. My mind seems to cave in on itself.

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