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It'd be great if you didn't skip this part as you'll understand this book more if you read what's below please :)

Yep, this is the third time I've rewritten this book. And I must say it's been the hardest book I've written for some reason, I really don't know why...

The first version is still up and keep in mind that I wrote it when I was 13 and fairly new to writing. Obviously, I've matured and improved a whole lot since then hence why I've rewritten so many times. Now as for the second version, I've taken that down since it'd be stupid and confusing to have three versions of the same book published.

The chapters will vary in length, some being short and some being long so not too much of a consistency. I want to be happy to write this and not feel pressured to write a certain amount of words to publish. I think that's why slow updates became a thing for me.

I'm not particularly sure when I'll update this, but it'll be fairly regularly so don't worry about months of waiting (hopefully, this isn't a guarantee).

And of course, this is a Larry Stylinson AU just incase you didn't know.

Anyways, if you took the time to read this I thank you and hope you enjoy reading.

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